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Labor hstory Sept 21 Militia sent to Leadville, Co, Mother Jones leads a march of miners' children,

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-11 07:43 PM
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Labor hstory Sept 21 Militia sent to Leadville, Co, Mother Jones leads a march of miners' children,

September 21

Militia sent to Leadville, Colo., to break miners strike - 1896

And this: September 21, 1896 - The militia was sent to Leadville, Colorado, to break a miners’ strike. In the latter half of the 19th century, Leadville emerged as a leading mining community because of the rich silver deposits nearby. Though Leadville and other communities owed their existence to the mines, only a minority of citizens actually labored there. Many more were engaged in construction, retailing and service labor. Colorado was the nation’s leading mining region, turning families such as the Guggenheims into wealthy artistocrats.

Mother Jones leads a march of miners' children through the streets of Charleston, W. Va. - 1913

National Football League Players Assn. members begin what is to become a 57-day strike, their first regular-season walkout ever - 1982

labor history found here: & here:

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Faygo Kid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-11 07:47 PM
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1. Outstanding post. We forget about how hard our ancestors fought for decent human rights.
I remember being stunned by learning not only of the Montgomery bus boycott, but that there had been over a dozen such boycotts of street cars/buses before that breakthrough. What kind of courage did it take for a black person to organize such a boycott in, say, 1900, in Montgomery, Alabama? Sometimes I think we are wimps today. We kick back and watch "Dancing With the Stars" and hope that our unemployed friends find jobs and that Social Security isn't destroyed. That's what we hope. Mother Jones would demand more of us.
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orpupilofnature57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-22-11 08:11 PM
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2. Mother Jones Magazine really opened my eyes to shit ,great magazine...
Heroic Women.
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