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Labor history Oct 3, 164 high school students go on strike over scab coal, Woody Guthrie dies, more

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 06:06 PM
Original message
Labor history Oct 3, 164 high school students go on strike over scab coal, Woody Guthrie dies, more

October 3

October 3, 1902 - President Theodore Roosevelt met with miners and coal field operators in an attempt to settle the anthracite coal strike, then in its fifth month. It marked the first time a president had personally intervened in a labor-management dispute. Three weeks later, the miners agreed to settle and accept recommendations made by a commission appointed by Roosevelt.

The state militia is called in after 164 high school students in Kincaid, Ill. go on strike when the school board buys coal from the scab Peabody Coal Co. - 1932

The Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America is founded in Camden, N.J. It eventually merged with the International Association of Machinists, in 1988 - 1933

Pacific Greyhound Lines bus drivers in seven western states begin what is to become a three-week strike, eventually settling for a 10.5 percent raise - 1945

The United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA) is formed as a self-governing union, an outgrowth of the CIO's Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee. UPWA merged with the Meatcutters union in 1968, which in turn merged with the Retail Clerks in 1979, forming the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) - 1943

The United Auto Workers calls for a company-wide strike against Ford Motor Co., the first since Ford’s initial contract with the union 20 years earlier - 1961

Folk singer/songwriter Woody Guthrie ("This Land is Your Land", "Union Maid" and hundreds of others) dies of Huntington's disease in New York at the age of 55 - 1967
<"There is a book out right now. It’s called Woody Guthrie: A Life. It’s by this fellow Joe Klein... and it’s really, it’s really a great book." -- Bruce Springsteen. In the UCS bookstore now.>

Baseball umpires strike for recognition of their newly-formed Major League Umpires Association, win after one day - 1970

Labor history found here: & here:

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rurallib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 06:12 PM
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1. We need a Woodie Guthrie today.
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Tippy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 06:38 PM
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2. Was thinking the same thing.......
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