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Labor history Oct 9 Mary Heaton Vorse was born, United Hebrew Trades is organized, win 9 day strike

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-09-11 10:40 AM
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Labor history Oct 9 Mary Heaton Vorse was born, United Hebrew Trades is organized, win 9 day strike

October 9

October 9, 1874 - Mary Heaton Vorse was born in New York. She became a muckraking labor journalist and wrote eyewitness accounts of many important labor battles of her day. Her most famous novel, "Strike!" was made into a film in the summer of 2007.

United Hebrew Trades is organized in New York by shirtmaker Morris Hillquit and others. Hillquit would later would become leader of the Socialist Party - 1888

Retail stock brokerage Smith Barney reaches a tentative sexual harassment settlement with a group of female employees. The suit charged, among other things, that branch managers asked female workers to remove their tops in exchange for money and one office featured a "boom boom room" where women workers were encouraged to "entertain clients." The settlement was never finalized: a U.S. District Court Judge refused to approve the deal because it failed to adequately redress the plaintiff's grievances - 1997

3,300 sanitation workers working for private haulers in Chicago win a 9-day strike featuring a 28 percent wage increase over 5 years - 2003

Labor history found here: & here:

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