It's the way that can be taken by some Congressmen. Some think, and it was implied by the WH, that if he puts in the executive order, it's first off too weak and secondly, it could be seen as a slap in the face to Congress that the President is going over their head. REmember this President likes to play bipartisan. If it looks like he's over reaching and working apart from Congress as the Repubs will surely spin it, then things won't get done.
Take health care for instance. Most people were screaming at WH and the Pres to fuck the Blue Dog Dems and Repubs. Even if we screw the REpubs in the Senate, Blue Dog dems still make up 13 people and if we fuck them over they will fuck us when it comes time to vote. That's the whole point. Now when the President ignored many of us and didn't "fuck them" so to speak, we now have Repubs joining the bandwagon---maybe not in the Senate but in Congress and former Congressional Repubs speaking out FOR health reform. Even when the country was going mad.
The idea is that we don't want to step on toes but get things done. The executive order could be read that way and that was one of the concerns. To detail on the first part, is that I heard, if the President pushes the Executive order Congress would forgo on directly working on legislation and voting on legislation to repeal DADT and DOMA under him. They could use the executive order effectively to push back on a vote. Like the way they did on Single payer for several years. They could do that until he leaves---since they could say he could use the Executive order. Then if another President is voted in, he could over right the executive order easily, and DOMA and DADT was never repealed.
This was discussed in the GDP thread several times. Plus the WH's statements in the past on the issue sort of imply the same route of thinking. Some people think it's easy, but he's basically working what he can to get things done. It's slow for some but overall it will be effective. In the mean time to that, when he was first in power he made sure to have pentagon and his GD reading the books to see what he can extend for the LGBT during his time...which he did and stated in his speech.