Watch more at The Jamie Leigh Foundation is an official 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping United States citizens and legal residents who are victims of crime while working abroad for government contractors and subcontractors. We demand government contract corporations and government entities to act responsibly, and be held accountable to provide a work environment free of sexual harassment, and limit the potential for abuse. We insist contractors to disclose criminal activity to employees and prospective employees so that they can make educated decisions regarding their safety. We work toward the day when all US citizen contractors will be able to work without fear, consternation, and safety concerns
We believe that United States civilians who perpetrate crime while working in foreign countries should be held accountable for their actions under an enforceable law. We are dedicated to protect Americans working for government entities overseas by pushing for more stringent laws that umbrella criminal contractors.
Holding government contract entities accountable requires that including arbitration clauses in government contracts as being unlawful. When an employee is injured abroad he/she is forced into a mandatory arbitration which is not subject to appeal. The arbitration proceeding is private and discrete and the outcome of arbitration cannot be disclosed to the public. Unfortunately, these contracts are stacked in favor of businesses, making it harder for individuals to prevail in a dispute. The Jamie Leigh foundation will assist victims through advocacy, education, legislation, and referral.