Edited on Mon Apr-12-10 12:17 PM by WhoIsNumberNone
I once knew this girl who had immigrated from South America. She was in her late 20's when I met her, and one day she revealed that she had been raped when she was 7 by a man who had been a friend of the family, and who had since become The village priest. A few weeks after this she went home to visit her family and the story came out. Reportedly her mother went ballistic when she heard. She went straight over to the priest's house, made a big scene and (if I remember correctly) even physically assaulted him. I didn't press her for too many details, but from what a gather the whole village knew within a couple of hours, and he had to leave town in a hurry.
So to answer the question- yes sometimes people do confront these guys- even decades after the fact- but only if they find out while the priest in question is still around. Since most of the victims are kids who are afraid and/or ashamed to tell anybody, often the priests have moved on before the story comes out.
Granted, we're talking a bout a third world country here- things might have to be a little more civil in the United States or Europe.