journalists in the UK here. discussion panel included a representative from the Guardian, Assange's lawyer and two other journalists.
It becomes quite clear in that discussion that a couple of the factors causing journalists and newspapers to abandon their own interests in the Assange matter are 1) jealousy on the part of newspapers that are rivals of the newspapers that worked with Assange on publishing the Wikileaks; fear for their profession. Journalists appear to be quite frightened by the competition from bloggers and others on the web who perhaps did not attend journalism school and are not part of the old boys network that the journalists worked so hard to join.
Clearly, bloggers were fine as long as they just talked about the news the people who consider themselves to be journalists think they originate. But Assange actually produced massive amounts of information without the involvement of the traditional media. That is enough to scare anyone.
Remember, the information that Assange obtained could have been gotten by any journalist who had really tried. Apparently this information was very widely disseminated within several US government agencies.
The discussion is long but fascinating.