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Rubber stamp JP Morgan to death!

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maxkeiser Donating Member (404 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 11:43 AM
Original message
Rubber stamp JP Morgan to death!
Run time: 01:41
Posted on YouTube: January 17, 2011
By YouTube Member: RussiaToday
Views on YouTube: 302
Posted on DU: January 17, 2011
By DU Member: maxkeiser
Views on DU: 703
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stockholmer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 12:22 PM
Response to Original message
1. European Silver Shortage Spreads To UK

On Friday we disclosed that major PM distributor, retailer and trading house had run out of physical silver inventories in Germany (and possibly elsewhere) and was advising clients to seek the precious metal elsewhere. Today, we find that the UK joins Germany in what is now becoming the second round of the global silver shortage (the first one occuring in May 2010 when it was unclear just how the ECB would deal with insolvent PIIGS). Below is the warning by British BullionByPost notifying clients that the company currently has no silver bars in stock. Inventories are expected to be restocked later in February. In the meantime, as before, we urge customs agents to do a quick check of the cargo hold of all private jets (and time shares) registered to any banker making over $25 million. After all, surely the Tunisian president didn't come up with the idea to flee with 25% of Tunisia's gold entirely on his own.

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