I'm noticing a larger share of attack threads pointed at John Edwards the last couple of days. A month ago he'd been mostly discounted. But here we are. Frankly, all the vitriol and venom is getting wearisome, no matter who the target is. Some people have done little more than launch personal attacks and call the various candidates names, as if THAT is going to convince anyone of anything.
I've been rooting for Edwards for months now, as soon as I realized that his message is one I want heard. Not just here on DU, or in the blogosphere, but all over the country. I want the farmer who's watching his livelihood being ground under the weight of a multi-national agribusiness to stop and think about who's benefiting from it. I want the mill worker in rural NC to look down the street to the local plant, long since closed, and think about where those jobs have gone. And who's been pocketing the profits. I want the high school senior to be thinking about how she's going to afford higher education without going so far into debt that she'll be lucky to ever see her way out.
I want Americans to be thinking about the Class War that's being waged, and which should be the winning side. I want Americans to have a little hope again, and be able to reach for that ballot with something akin to faith in the system. I want Americans to hear why we're in such dire straits as a nation, a species, and a planet--and what we might, working together, be able to do about it.
I'm not going to get involved in flame wars with supporters of other candidates at this point. It's a waste of time, a waste of energy, and a waste of goodwill.
No matter who wins the primary, we've got a fight ahead of us. We've seen the Republican attack machine in action and we know by now what our candidates' weaknesses are. But, if past elections are any clue, they won't just attack their weaknesses. So bear that in mind when you're propping up your candidate's cardboard cutout here on DU. Not a one of them is immune.
Not that theirs are. Just here on DU alone we have information about every single candidate in the race that could help in the battle, should it come to that. When it comes, it'll be time to set aside everything negative we can say about the Democratic candidates, and dredge up every last little scandal about the Republican nominee. They'll be doing the same.
So, no, I'm not going to fight about it. As far as I'm concerned, this part of the election is over. The next few months will be decided by the primary voters and all the battles fought here will have little impact on anything except our ability to get along with one another.
And that's all I have to say.