PM Eastern - December 17, 2008
Take Action Now: McDonald's Tomorrow at Noon
By Michael Whitney
Last week we told you that McDonald's wasn't lovin' free choice at work. Several thousand of you stood up and told the company what you think about their efforts to stop their employees' free choice.
Now we're kicking our campaign into high gear. We want to speak directly with McDonald's employees about what it's like to work for a CEO who is paid 770 times what his workers earn, leaving working families with barely enough to afford the "Dollar Menu."

We're organizing events at McDonald's locations around the country for TOMORROW at NOON. Can you take an hour tomorrow to go to your local McDonald's to educate McDonald's employees about free choice?
Click here to find an event at a McDonald's near you and RSVP now: you can't find an event near you, you can plan your own - it's easy, quick, and we provide all the materials you need.
According to published reports, the fast food giant is organizing its store owners to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act. McDonald's has reportedly even formed an "internal response actively participate in the opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act."
The Employee Free Choice Act gives workers the free choice to join unions so they can bargain for better wages, benefits, and retirement security. But it's apparent that McDonald's doesn't want its employees to see any of that.
It's time for McDonald's to give workers more of the wealth they help create, and it's up to us to tell them how to do so.
FULL story at link.