one of the worst things about the Rick Warren deal
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:32 PM
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one of the worst things about the Rick Warren deal |
Edited on Wed Dec-17-08 08:32 PM by brandnewlaptop
is there is a small, but growing movement of Evangelical liberals. What a missed opportunity to give them exposure.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:35 PM
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1. I have all ofJim Wallis' books -- I really respect the Sojourners |
And I am not even remotely Xian anymore.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:51 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
5. I'd respect Wallis a little more |
if he'd respect the human rights of the female half of the human race a little more.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:36 PM
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I don't know of any fundie liberals who even know of or like Rick Warren.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:37 PM
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3. He was trying to point out that it'd be great to promote them by giving them the spotlight. |
By having a liberal evangelical speak instead of showing how "conservative" he can be.
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Wed Dec-17-08 08:40 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. I don't know any names, because i personally am not |
religious, But Thom Hartman has a a spokesman on quite often that represents the liberal Evangelistic movement.
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Wed Dec-17-08 10:38 PM
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6. Screw Evangelicals. Why does there have to be any religious component to the inauguaration at all. |
I'm fucking sick of politicians bending over for these deluded people.
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Sat Feb 15th 2025, 05:58 AM
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