How come Cheney's visit to the CIA is always left out of the intelligence talks?
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Thu Dec-18-08 12:12 AM
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How come Cheney's visit to the CIA is always left out of the intelligence talks? |
I always hear on the news and on round table discussions that everyone received the same intelligence. Everyone had access to the same information. But, the root of the information has never been discussed! How come Bush and Cheney are never asked about Cheney's "Come to Jesus" meeting with the CIA?
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Thu Dec-18-08 12:20 AM
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You NUTS????
As to intell committees, same answer: they're NOT.
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Thu Dec-18-08 01:57 AM
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2. One meeting? I think there a ruts in the road between his |
undisclosed location and the CIA.
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Tue Feb 18th 2025, 05:18 AM
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