So, do you think there will be stimilus check for individuals next year?
Hawaii Hiker
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Thu Dec-18-08 01:33 AM
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So, do you think there will be stimilus check for individuals next year? |
Remember earlier this year, single individuals received $600 & couples $1200....
Do you think there will be such checks in 2009?..
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Thu Dec-18-08 01:35 AM
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1. probably and it stinks because it is a bandaid gimmick |
the REAL PROBLEMS need to be worked on
Tuesday Afternoon
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Thu Dec-18-08 01:48 AM
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2. single here ...only got $300.oo WTF?? |
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Thu Dec-18-08 05:25 AM
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3. Probably will be a stimulas check... Florida still hasn't paid Unemployment |
Florida still hasn't paid the unemployment extention authorized Nov 23rd.
They will not answer phone or e-mails.
Speculation is that they are using the federal unemployment money to run the State day to day.
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Thu Dec-18-08 11:19 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
7. Michigan and Indiana are both borrowing money from the Federal Government to pay |
Unemployment benefits. This situation is going to snowball into a very ugly 2009.
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Thu Dec-18-08 05:41 AM
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4. I sure as hell hope so. But this time, I hope they are kinder to the poor. |
No more of the Repuke crap about poor people getting less because they don't pay federal income taxes. The poor suffer far more under the burdens of FICA and sales tax than better-off families do, and they don't deserve to be shit on like that.
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Thu Dec-18-08 10:50 AM
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5. Maybe next time they could include those of us that pay a lot in taxes. I'd |
much rather see a reduction in the tax rates for the lower and middle classes. Those apply equally to married couples and singles. I'm sick of special 'credits' for certain groups that leave some without any relief.
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Thu Dec-18-08 11:12 AM
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6. Yes...and credit card companies will raise interest rates... |
Edited on Thu Dec-18-08 11:12 AM by LeftHander
As they are not prevented from doing so until 2010.
So of course we will get a incentive check and a rate hike.
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