Sigh. This is not a "party" thang in terms of the corruption. Blag has been a mess since day one (before, actually, but nobody likes to discuss THAT.)
That Kid Care program did not happen solely based on Blag and do not EVER make the mistake of thinking it did. That program happened because we Illinois Dems managed to organize and elect enough Dems to the legislature to MAKE that happen. Ditto on the minimum wage, the emergency contraceptive availability laws, and the attempt to move to universal health care in Illinois. Those bills got passed by women and men that got elected by Dems like me who were out there busting ass--not by corrupt Blago sitting on his war chest in Chicago a couple hundred miles AWAY from Springfield.
Part of the reason our KidCare program is not more effective is because Roddie boy has been sitting on payments to the docs that were willing to treat those kids for that state program. Part of the reason our folks who are medicaid patients can't even GET treatment is because asswipes like Blag have played politics with the fucking payments to care providers to the point that some of them have not seen payment in over a YEAR.
Part of the reason we have no budget passed is because that blowhard SOB has worked against the Dems in the legislature that are TRYING to do the people's business.
I get awfully pissy about being lumped in with the IL GOP simply because I have no fucking acceptance for ANYBODY that holds office to line their own pockets. That shit makes it hard for any of us to get anything done in this state and we have GOT to take our state back from the crooks. Just because somebody is a Dem does not mean I'll give them a pass when they fuck up.