Edited on Fri Dec-19-08 04:05 AM by tom_paine
I don't want to believe this, and I am reserving judgement at least until I have seen how the man governs.
But honestly, so far, I see not much difference in the kowtowing to the Bushie False Reality Bubble, by nearly ALL Democtrats, before Obama's Election and after it.
Look at the auto bailout. The toady Nancy Pelosis ran to the right, as they were told by their understanding of reality, which is to say the Bush-Generated False Reality Bubble which IS their reality.
It would be humorously pathetic if it wasn't our future being flushed down the toilet. Even "Nancy Pelosi"-level toadying is not enough. The Congressional Democrats were once again embarassed. The Legislative Branch is stymied and once again, Der Fuhrer decides what to do.
Notice a pattern here? And GIVEN that the Bushies didn't even HAVE to filibuster, only threaten one as usual, shows Nancy Pelosi Reid cares as little about the people he serves as the rest of the Nancy Pelosi Wing of the Democratic Party, which as far as I can tell is somwhere around a grotesque 80% of serving Congressional Democrats.
And look at Obama, who even though I will not judge him, is showing hideous and unequivocal signs that he might (note I said MIGHT) be as dazed and confused and befuddled and detatched from reality as any other of our Nancy Pelosis.
He seems so conciliatory to those who hate him, The New Jews, and liberty. Ad the OP correctly said, he is so very close with the various liberty-hating and American-people-hating groups, the fundies, the Bushies, all the America-haters...but NOT the ones who really love what the Founduing Fathers stood for, "New Jews", the Liberals.
Why would any New Good German, even a German Social Democrat who unseated New Hitler (amazing that was even permitted to happen, but permitted it was), wish to ally himself with the New Jews, other than to use them like everyone else?
After all, in spite of the fact that we New Jews have been right about virtually everything these past 8 years and the New Nazi-Bushies wrong about virtually everything, not to mention practicers of Third-World Corruption, the OP is correct that Obama is distancing himself from the hated New Jews in order to placate the Nazi-Bushies and Good Germans.
I don't want to believe it, and there is more than a small chance that Obama is strategizing smartly here, and setting the table to make bold progressive moves of change by first conciliating.
Maybe. I hope. Because the way things are shaping up, that chance, while not small, is growing smaller every day.