please register,rate and comment in my overwhelmingly red paper.. the Editor,
My father died last week. Although he was a conservative Republican, he was very disturbed by the incredible amounts of displaced Iraqi citizens this war has left. His last request of me was to make the nation aware of this ever-increasing tragedy.
The UNHCR has estimated that more than 4.7 million Iraqis have left their homes, many in dire need of humanitarian care. Of these, more than 2.7 million are displaced within the borders of Iraq, 75 percent of these are women and children. The United Nations is the globally accepted source of aid for these people, and the most accurate source of statistics.
Many internally displaced Iraqis do not initially seek global aid, relying on a social network of friends for assistance. This network is wearing thin as more Iraqis are leaving the country. According to UNICEF, homeless Iraqi children number over 1 million in the country. They are tormented by diseases such as cholera and polio, as well as the psycho-social stressors that accompany war and homelessness.
For the cost of several tanks and bombers, we could help supply secure housing and schooling for this generation that will be rebuilding Iraq.
Several worthy organizations dedicate themselves to caring for these unseen victims of war. The Red Cross/Red Crescent Society, UNICEF, Operation Iraqi Children, and many other organizations exist to help these children. Please consider a small donation of time or money to help. In addition, consider petitioning your elected officials to examine the treatment of these unintended victims of a misguided war.