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More Shenanigans From Pinellas County DEC Thurmanites! When ARE Rules RULES?

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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 05:18 PM
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More Shenanigans From Pinellas County DEC Thurmanites! When ARE Rules RULES?
Hi PCDEC leaders and friends-

This is the Helm update on the election and my challenge in the State Committeeman election race:

Bottom line, if the Hillsborough DEC's organizing election rules apply for the PCDEC State Committeeman race, I don't lose. (see below)

I sent this last night to the new PCDEC Credentials Committee:

Please include in your recommendation to Chair McLauchlan the following statement from the recent Chair of Hillsborough Democratic Party, Michael Steinberg.

I would emphasize his indication that during their recent organizing meeting, four days before ours, Hillsborough DEC required every person voting, both elected precinct persons as well as automatic members, to sign a loyalty oath in order to fulfill election requirements.

I look forward to meeting with you shortly. I appreciate all your efforts to make this meeting happen.

Thank you.
Ed Helm
Precinct Committeeman, Pct. 103

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 6:26 PM
Subject: loyalty oath

To the best of my recollection, our credentials committee required every person voting in our reorganization election (Hillsborough County DEC) to sign a party loyalty oath. This included both elected precinct persons as well as automatic members. To my knowledge, every person voting in our election, complied with this requirement and would not have been permitted to vote without doing so.

Prior to the election, we had discussions regarding whether a party loyalty oath was required, since all elected committeepersons signed a loyalty oath to run for that position. It was determined by our credentials committee that the party loyalty oath was required by both state and HCDEC by-laws. I believe that the FDP was contacted to confirm this.

In the future, I would recommend that the FDP clarify this requirement to avoid confusion, by amending its by-laws or by sending a memo to all DECs before the primary election so that they can notify all persons running for these positions that if they desire to join the DEC and vote in the reorganization meeting that they must sign and have notarized a party loyalty oath.

Michael Steinberg
immediate past chair of Hillsborough County DEC

So here is the update:

I met last night with Chris Piccone (Sec. of PCDEC and automatic member of cred. committee), Dawn Hunter (Vice Chair of the PCDEC and automatic member of the cred. committee) and Toni Molinaro (no longer a member of the PCDEC but according to PCDEC bylaws as the immediate former Chair of the PCDEC, a member of the cred. committee). We met at 8:45 PM and the meeting lasted until after midnight. This committee is to write a report for the new PCDEC Chair, Ramsay McLaughlan, who is to issue a decision. It's not likely to happen before the upcoming FDP election on Saturday. All three had voted for my opponent, Rick Boylan, for State Committeeman and Toni in particular was aggressive in trying to figure out ways to derail my challenge. (Her position is that the oaths are completely unncessary and are not required. The Steinberg letter and other guidance from the FDP notwithstanding, she maintains that no one in the PCDEC needs to complete or file a loyalty oath.

Bottom line, if the Hillsborough DEC's organizing election rules apply for the PCDEC State Committeeman race, I don't lose.

In fact I win if Richardo Morgner's ballot is counted (those three say it should not because he crossed out and put my name on his ballot but did not initial it!). I say it should be counted because his intention to vote for me is clear and no one announced or informed voters that they had to initial crossed out ballot changes. Alternatively, I also win if Rep. Kriseman's proxy is disallowed because the proxy holder, A.J.Wilson, did not reside in Kriseman's district according to records of the Supervisor of elections. Toni claimed last night that she was about to get an update from the SOE saying he was in Kriseman's district. My position is that the proxy should not count if on the date of the election it can not be confirmed that the person lived in the district (which it wasn't) or the confirmation was that the person lived outside the district.

So stay tuned. You might contact Linda Lucas (727 866-7335; and Rick Boylan (727 363-6727,, who plan to attend as Pinellas State Committeeman and woman, the upcoming State meeting this Saturday in Orlando and ask them:

:puke: HERE Typical Behavior in TWISTING RULES TO THEIR ENDS... :wtf: Why they lent their names in a recent press release saying they were voting to re-elect Karen Thurman which had the effect of forcing Miami Dade Chair, Bret Berlin, to withdraw from opposing Karen Thurman for Chair?

:nopity:So with ALL the incessant rewriting of bylaws (such a waste of time)... These morons have no policy that describes in DETAIL the rules for voting in County Officers?

OF COURSE NOT! They want enough "FLEXIBILITY" to be able to twist outcomes to their DESIRED RESULT! :puke:

Quite simple actually! :think: THEN :puke: Then... :nuke: THESE MORONS and CORRUPT BASTARDS! Then... :puke: again... and repeat the process!

Will they find out whether it is true that the Florida Democratic Party reversed the Obama for President policy to help down ballot Democratic candidates (for example, sheriff and SOE). Did the FDP reverse the Obama policy making it a policy in Florida that the Obama Campaign would not assist or work to help down ballot races? If so, who reversed the Obama policy? What role did Karen Thurman have in making and enforcing it? Steve Shale? And given how bad Obama coat-tails were for downballot candidates, what action will be taken to make those responsible accountable? (Reportedly, Obama Deputy Campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand only found out about this corruption of Obama policy a week or so before the election and although he tried to reverse it in Florida, by then it was too late.):wtf:

I welcome you advice and suggestions about wether I should continue my challenge and seek to be declared the winner (or if the tally winds up 70-70, have a new election). I have appreciated you support and look foward to continuing to work with you and othes to make the PCDEC stronger and better able to recruit good Democratic candidates committed to making a Democratic difference and electing them.

Best wishes and warm regards,
Ed Helm
(727 867-5947)
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 08:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. ALL Floridians Suffer Because Of These CrackPots And Their Systemic Abuse!
This IS How Speaker Sansom IS able to get away w/ $25 MILLION! THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE FOX GUARDING THE HENHOUSE!
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 08:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Watch The ChairFox of FDP Here... Link Samson Appropriates While TaxPayers Pony Up $
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 10:26 PM
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Go to or and try and find any word about the election Saturday in Orlando...
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DaLittle Kitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-08 12:21 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Thurman Et Al MUST Be EXPOSED!
:nuke: 'em!
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