My son, Staff Sergeant Kenneth Nicodemus was stationed at Warner Barracks in Bamberg, Germany. After a four year tour in Germany, with 15 months of it spent deployed in active combat in Afghanistan, and nine months active combat in Iraq, he and his family received orders to return to the U.S. A two week leave followed by a post at Ft. Leonardwood, MO.His wife of five years, my daughter in-law Myriam, was born in Guatemala, and her and her family moved to the U.S. and began the process of legal citizenship in 1991. The rest of her family was approved for permanent residency in 2006. In August of 2007 Myriam did her final paperwork to receive her green card. She has kept all appointments and met all requirements with the USCIS. Kenneth petitioned for her and applyed for her immigrant visa in August of 2008, which should have taken 90 days or less. The paper works appears to have been lost.Myriam went to Germany on military orders. Her passport is from Guatemala, and she has a U.S. issued military I.D. card. Kenneth's recruiter said that her citizenship status would be no problem, because she was command sponsored and would have military travel orders. Yesterday, December 17th, they were supposed to come home, but American Airlines refused to let Myriam board the plane. They are now stuck in Germany, all of their belongings have been shipped to Ft. Leonardwood, MO. Because of the order to return to the states, they can no longer stay on base is a friend of the family. "What, you thought when we said you'd be transferring back to the states that you could bring your wife? So sorry."
Anyone who knows a Congressperson who cares, feel free to contact them.