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Unanswered question about the anthrax case. Why has the FBI refused to release this letter?

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-20-08 07:22 PM
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Unanswered question about the anthrax case. Why has the FBI refused to release this letter?
It's 2008, and the FBI has no word on this letter that tried to falsely blame Doctor Assaad for the anthrax letters.

Why is the FBI still silent on this letter, even though they've claimed to have solved the case?

"Assaad has been requesting the letter since the FBI questioned him about it in October 2001. Assaad, who was shown the letter but not allowed to make a copy, said it contained specific details about his work at USAMRIID. He said those details could only have been known by someone who worked there with him.

The lab has been the center of the FBI's hunt for the anthrax killer. Dozens of current and former USAMRIID employees have been subjected to lie-detector tests as part of the investigation. Analysis of the powder packed into the letters showed that the lab probably was the original source of the anthrax. And the only person who has so far been identified by the FBI as a "person of interest" in the investigation -- Dr. Steven J. Hatfill -- is a former lab employee.

A former high-ranking FBI official said while the denial of Assaad's request for a copy of the letter is routine, the discussion of possible confidential sources indicates that the FBI still hasn't ruled out a connection between the anonymous letter and the deadly attacks."

It's time to call up our people in Congress. Did the FBI have a clue that led to Ivins that couldn't be pinned on Hatfill, if it's that then the FBI should just admit it. Or is something else afoot?
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lligrd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-20-08 07:28 PM
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1. Will We Ever Get Answers About This Case? nt
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