We were doing some last minute Christmas shopping. On the way home we stopped by Ballbusters to return some videos. Next to them is the liquor store where we get most of our wine. They're doing a wine tasting. Actually, they're doing two of them. One for ordinary wines and one for some really high end stuff. We stop at the cheap shit first. We sample. This nice woman, about our age, comes in. She starts tasting, too. "I just came in for some beer" she says. Her husband joins her. We sip the various $10 wines and discuss the merits of Old Rasputin Imperial Stout, which, it turns out, is his favorite brew and mine.

We finish with the cheap wines and follow the store owner to the second wine tasting, way in the back. This one has wines ranging up to $100 a bottle. We start with the (relative) low end of this stuff and work up.
One of the wines is a nice Veuve Cliquot.

Which brought us to talking abut reasons to celebrate. I mention to Sparkly that it would be good for our planned day on January 20.
Which elicits a ":snap: We should do that too" from the lady who was now our wine drinking partner. Her husband, also our new wine drinking buddy, agrees.
The guy pouring the wine also agrees.
Pretty soon we learn he works for the DoD. He and all his coworkers are **thrilled** that a Democart won and most are quite happy with Obama.
She thinks Bush is a moron.
He thinks Bush screwed us up with his misdirection from Afghanistan t o Iraq.
The wine sales guy agrees.
Back to us, saying how much we think Bush is a national embarrassment.
More casual tasters sipped a glass or two and nodded approvingly or offered a comment.
This goes on for nearly an hour.
They bought the high end cabernet we had all tried and a very nice Zinfandel we suggested to them. We bought the bubbly and a really nice Claret we'd had at a party last week.

We all shook hands and parted, happy, loopy, and feeling good about being Democrats.
It always amazes me how quickly people want to say they voted Democrat, yet, at the height of Moron's power after the coup, no one wanted to admit to being a Democart.
Well, many people didn't. I was never shy. But you know what I mean.