1,000th Post - WHATTA RIDE!
(1000+ posts)
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Sat Dec-20-08 10:25 PM
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1,000th Post - WHATTA RIDE! |
I try to come here at least several times a week to
Say hello See what's on others' minds and how we help each other Catch a few choice You Tubes Eyeball great animal photos and stories Read editorials from all over the world Listen to the Malloy show (SO many hockey games pre-empting him on the radio) Get some non-MSM perspective Try to stay politically sane
And I'm never disappointed!
Just wanted to say in spite of occasional challenging, disagreement and bickering, this is a premier website and I'll continue to support it and stop by.
I do hope I live long enough to see all the wrongs and grave injustices from the past 8 years undone. Many here have been instrumental in seeing that these things do happen. I appreciate you all and wish you the happiest of holiday seasons and a New Year we can celebrate to the hilt.
Time for change
(1000+ posts)
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Sat Dec-20-08 11:04 PM
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1. I feel much the same way |
I don't expect to see ALL the injustices of the past 8 years undone, but 80-90% would be nice. :toast:
Systematic Chaos
(1000+ posts)
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Sat Dec-20-08 11:10 PM
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2. Let me use my 5,000th post to congratulate you! |
I'm a big Malloy fan too, btw. :toast:
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Tue Feb 11th 2025, 12:18 AM
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