I sent the following to a handful of folks who might be able to help, and also post it here to get it back into the forefront, if you missed it.
How would you like to turn $ 10 into $ 40 ?
http://www.inteldaily.com/news/144/ARTICLE/9034/2008-12-20.htmlA picture in words of the state of hunger in the US.
If you can give something, however much you can, and have it quadrupled at no risk or cost to you, would you help feed some hungry Americans ?
Here is how you can do it.
On the website I frequent, www.DemocraticUnderground.com a member has pledged a $7,500 match if we can collect $ 7,500. Many of us are struggling in various ways, but have gotten together about a third or so of the base amount needed to activate
his/her generous pledge which will double your donation, should we meet the goal.
In addition, the Board of Directors of Feeding America has offered an additional 1-for-1 matching grant for donations, which means a doubling of the doubled amount. So, if you donate now, YOUR DONATION WILL BE MULTIPLIED BY FOUR!
When you add that up a small amount turns into some real money.
Please, consider it.
And a Merry Christmas to all.
http://www.supportfeedingamerica.org/democratic Consider passing this on to others who want to get a good reward for their buck.
Here is the link to what Skinner said that I responded to: