Remember Tom Noe of Coingate fame? He finished his federal time for illegal fundraising for Bush/Cheny and he was recently moved to state custody in Ohio for strealing from a state agency.But what is more interesting at the moment is what his wife is doing while she waits for her beloved to be released in about 18 years. A girl's gotta keep busy, and Bernadette Noe all those years to keep busy while hubby serves his term. Lucky for her she's resourceful and she found some interesting playmates:
(From The Blade:)
Since he arrived six weeks ago at the sprawling 5,000-square-foot house on the Atlantic owned by Ms. Noe — the wife of incarcerated rare-coin dealer and disgraced political insider Tom Noe — Daniel Gignac has made himself at home.
Photographs Gignac e-mailed to family back home in Michigan show him drinking Bud Light with Ms. Noe, chasing iguanas near the boat dock, and standing outside the Noe home. He tells his family back in Michigan that he's partaking in nightly bonfires by the ocean.
Daniel Gignac's brother, Anthony Gignac, 38, is a notorious con man who pretends to be a Saudi prince as he runs up bills at posh hotels, buys designer clothing and jewelry on ill-gotten credit cards, and convinces car dealers to sell him luxury automobiles.
The often-incarcerated Anthony Gignac — who used the alias Khaled Bin Al-Saud when he carried out schemes in places like Michigan, Florida, California, and Hawaii — is in federal prison in Atlanta serving a 5½ -year term for bank fraud and impersonating a foreign diplomat.
Much more here at The Blade: