14/12 (Sunday), I was studying biology at night, and mama told me "do you know that an Iraqi journalist hit Bush with his shoe?" I thought she was joking, and finished my homework..
Next day I went to school and found everyone talking about this event, and my friend showed me a video in her mobile, I kept laughing, just then I realized my mom was serious!
Muntathar al Zaidi, is 28 years old Iraqi living in Baghdad, he is the brave journalist who throw his shoes with his heart set on fire and said "this is the good bye kiss this is the revenge of all Iraqis"
Muntathar became a national hero, he didn't fear to speak up his mind, he expressed not only his anger but the anger and frustrated feeling for all of all Iraqis.
I pray he'll be released, and no one will hurt him anymore..
I don't find what he did strange thing after all horrible events he witnessed as a journalist, after seeing the injured and killed innocents in streets, or after he met the Iraqis who lost their houses or families and other tragic stories ..
When Bush said "it represent his only opinion, but I am sure it don't represent all Iraqis' feelings" all Iraqis proved the opposite by gathering in the streets carrying big signs, saying poems, and supporting Muntathar in every way they can . returned home depressed with bad headache and immediately had a long nap to escape from the reality. I did not leave my bed till noon time to prepare dinner .TV was on, when I read the subtitle news about the Iraqi journalist that throw Bush during his conference with his shoes. But I didn't see the video. During dinner I told my daughter, but she didn't comment. While I was talking with her, BD the Iraqi blogger sent me an SMS telling me that Bush was humiliated in an unbelievable way, and telling me that he was looking for the video in the internet and TV channels. In fact I did not have time to look for the video as I had to wash the dishes and watch my favorite series (gray's anatomy).next day at work every body was talking about bush and the brave Iraqi journalist, telling jokes and poems, there I saw the video in my mate cell phone, my daughters came back home with funny jokes and stories. And we kept seeing the video over and over.
"Asia cell" the company of cell phone services made large profits during the last few days because large no. of Iraqis were exchanging SMS jokes about Bush.