We need to know this history so we don't allow it to be repeated.
President Johnson told Republican Senate leader, Everett Dirksen, that he knew then presidential candidate, Richard Nixon, was actively negotiating with the Vietnamese to postpone their participation in the Vietnam War Peace Conference in order to allow Nixon to win the 1968 election against Democrat Hubert Humphrey. Johnson had the evidence but decided not to use it because it might "shock Americans".
The Republicans, unexposed and unpunished, went on to do exactly the same thing in connection with President Carter's re-election campaign. Former President George Bush, then Reagan's vice-presidential running-mate, actively participated in meetings with Iranian representatives to successfully convince the Iranians to hold off releasing the 100 American hostages seized during Carter's first term. The Iranians agreed, Reagan won the election and the Iranians released the hostages on the very day of his inauguration. The thugs in the Reagan administration, led by Vice-President Bush, then went on to negotiate the illegal sale of arms to Iran in order to fund their illegal support for the illegal rebellion against the elected government in Nicaragua, known as the Iran-Contra scandal.
Most of those Reagan government officials who participated in the illegal Iran-Contra arms operations were also unpunished and went on to play key roles in the current Bush administration.
We have to prosecute all the illegalities committed by the Bush-Cheney administration in order to stop, once and for all, this whole sale devastation of our U.S. Constitution. If we do not prosecute these crooks, they will rise again to further destroy our democracy.