They could be coming to an end as his main benefactor, Clear Channel...that own Premeier that syndicates his swillfest is in a world of hurt... 7 2009, 10:47 am by Daniel Indiviglio
Clear Channel's Future Looks Murky
The New York Post is reporting that Clear Channel Communications is having trouble getting loans from banks to help pay the interest on its current loans. Clear Channel is by far the largest radio station owner in the U.S. If these problems persist, it's rather difficult to imagine what would happen to radio.
Clear Channel has been having cash flow difficulties for some time. But here's the latest news, from the NY Post:
After failing twice to restructure the company's debt, the private-equity firms that own the radio and billboard giant are asking some big banks to help them keep the company from defaulting on its loans.
But after a bruising fight two years ago to force the banks to live up to their commitment to fund the ill-fated buyout, those same banks now are telling the PE firms to take a hike, two sources close to the situation said.
That means Clear Channel may now default by year-end or early next year, one of the sources said.
One of the big stickng points is Rushbo's big salary...his "ratings" don't justify that kind of money in a business that has been losing 20% or more in revenues every year since 2002. Cheap Channel may be forced to liquidate a lot of stations...and possibly turning some of their least profitable (many that are AMs and carry Rushbo) off.