Edited on Wed Oct-21-09 11:57 AM by liberalmike27
I think a lot of people don't really understand this issue.
As I've said many times, I really didn't leave the television or radio media. They left me. As I saw them more more corporate, and push more right-wing ideas, without their ideological opposites, not coincidentally, just after the "fairness directive" was repealed, I just got sick of it, and didn't want to watch. Some, like the Borg, no matter what their economic level, adapted, became part of the collective.
There was a while, without any real source of media, outside of books to read. Books are the true liberal marketplace, even today. Even with MSNBC, as I've said many times, there isn't much of the left, many issues are obfuscated, even from them.
Then I got the Internet, and found a home. The Internet, is of course, regarded as a bastion of liberal thought. The reasons are above, whether realized or not, most have fled the ordinary mind-numbing television media, for the site, or beliefs of their choice.
Which brings us to Net-Neutrality. It isn't a surprise that republicans want to be able to control the speed with which pages download, and charge more for faster speeds. Just like television, doing this, instead of the more or less current system, of allowing pages to download equally, allows the control to fall to the richest. The more you can pay, the faster your sites can load.
Predictably, without the neutral speed factor, the less wealthy sites, like the DU, or Common Dreams, or Media Matters, or the Daily KOS, will likely be unable to afford the higher speed-tier, thus be slowed down tremendously. Why do you think Republicans support getting rid of neutrality on the net? It is no different than them calling everything liberal, or their claim that schools are liberal, or all the other attempts they've used to control minds, like all-Republican FOX channel on the higher-priced cable tier. They are all attempts to make getting all sides of issues out, and control the thought of our country. They want to continue what they've done with television through two decades almost, from the end of the eighties, through about 2005, control your brain, and brainwash you into supporting the policies that have left us with a few incredibly rich people, while the rest of our incomes have stagnated, or fallen behind, have lost insurance and pensions, and all of the other terrible things that happen when we blindly listen to the right-wing brainwashing.
So, we really need to keep this one bastion of liberal thought, the Internet, humming along and neutral. They are going to keep trying to control this, to make it harder for the liberal sites to get a fair shake, and after all, why would they change? IT has been their modus operendi for years now, brainwash those with empty-brainpans, and discourage the smarter people from paying attention, from the sheer banality of it all.
It's all about control, and giving the rich, ever more power, even when they are almost bursting with it now.