Edited on Sat Apr-03-10 07:00 AM by TheWatcher
I think if we all admitted it to ourselves we'd confess we like it best when Maria B. says it though.
Something about those sincere Doe Eyes, the Collagen Zeppelin Lips, the genuine delivery of honest conviction.
But I digress.
Sorry, just yanking your chain there. :) Propaganda overload this week.
"The combination of downsizing, outsourcing and low inventories are the catalyst here...and doesn't do much for those looking for a job.
The debt bomb and tight credit are still stifling investment that creates jobs. It's going to take a while to clear up the debt and get investment money flowing...and why serious financial reform is needed now...long overdue."
THIS, I agree with.
But I hate to break it to you, when criminals run the system, a system that by their own DESIGN and machinations is based on corruption, fraud, fiscal insanity, and the very essence that CAUSES these Bubbles and busts to begin with, well, serious financial reform is about as likely as the St. Louis Rams going 16-0 this year, or ANY year. (Sorry Rams Fans. You were once the Greatest Show On Turf, and now you are an analogy.)
The Foxes give up their Hen House Guard Duty?
Not, I Say, Not Likely, son.
As for the The Stock Market, well it is in another Unsustainable Bubble, just like 98-2000, and 2003-2008.
It has become nothing more that a glorified, artificially manipulated Casino of HFT, Program Trading, Momentum Speculation, and fabricated fantasy that really has little to do with the Real Economy. (I know, I know, conspiracy kookery, doesn't exist, I want the economy to fail, blah, blah, blah)
And it will collapse again.
It could be this year, it could be two years from now.
But it will happen.
And then all the little lambs will scream "SAVE US, BEN AND TIMMY, SAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111", and the very criminals that helped cause the Crisis will ride in with more "Solutions", and the rest of us will bend over and take it again, so that their precious Ponzi Economic Model of Fiscal Insanity can be preserved, at the expense of, well, everything else.
And we will let them.
And then the WHOLE cycle will start again.
IF they can reflate everything.
Let's face it, if we knew the hard truth, there isn't any other choice, probably.
Bubble Economics is the only way this country can even continue to exist in it's current form.
And the only way an idiot like Maria B. could ever have a job outside of a Fast Food Drive-Through. :rofl: