Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Slain 42 Years Ago This Sunday While In the Midst of a Poor People’s Campaign
In addition to being Easter this coming Sunday, 4/4/10, it’s also
the 42nd anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King.
In his memory, take the “King Challenge” – Can you take to
heart the words he spoke just 4 days before he was gunned
read it online here and see:
www.WhatNewsShouldBe.org (middle of page, right after Dr. King’s photo)
Download the free 2-sided “King Challenge” flyer here:
http://www.mediafire.com/?oyojmbozwz5or email me for a copy here Angie@WhatNewsShouldBe.org
This flyer has excerpts of a sermon Dr. King gave just 4 days
before his death and it discusses global and u.s. poverty then, and flyer
also has information about it now 42 years later - when we still
need a poor people's campaign!! Dr. King was speaking about the
most pressing problems facing humanity. Nobody talks about this today.
This is the stuff that SHOULD be on the front page of our newspapers,
but isn't. Please take this opportunity to remember what's important -
and to remind others also. Thanks for your time.