Until and unless they attack this with the same effort being put toward HCR, Afghanistan, the poor mistreated bankers and financiers, there is nothing but a long, slow, downhill slide in front of us.
27 million people are out of work they want to do when you include the currently unemployed, those who have given up, those who are working part-time but want or need more.
In March 154,000 jobs were created. 1/3 of those are temp census jobs, so we only created 100K jobs - roughly speaking.
Given that we need 150K jobs per month JUST to stay even with the number of people entering the work force every year, how many of those 27 million do you think went back to work in March?
Stop for a moment and do a little figuring...as did another author (right-wing though he may be - doesn't mean he is wrong)
If we create the same average number of jobs as we did during 1990- 2000, which included the dotcom boom and the jobs that were created to address the date problems in the run-up to Y2K, we will not drop under 8% unemployment until 2020.
And where are those jobs going to come from? Manufacturing - nope, we sold all that. Technology or Biotechnology - possible, but who is going to work jobs that require 4 years of biology or math or science - our schools (regardless of the reason) have not been graduating the numbers of people that are needed. construction - oh please, checked all the for sale signs?
And without jobs, there is no disposable income. Without disposable income there is no reason for a business to build things.
If our gov would put 10,000,000 people to work today, at a cost of 400 billion or so, there would be disposable income for a year or two that would drive some small bus creation. Absent that, China will grow faster than we do.
That said, I really hope those numbers are wrong, so if someone has better ones, I am all for it. But there are no better numbers.