Don't know if this has been posted yet so here it is: the People inhabiting the North American continent, free men and women convened under God, having been granted by the Creator dominion over all the earth, to restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and the posterity, do hereby invoke our sacred right to alter or abolish destructive government as memorialized in The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, c. 1776 by declaring herewith this solemn declaration to the people of the earth and all governments and nations derived there from.
institutions of this or any country, in particular the ill-gotten gains of foreclosure and fraudulent foreign taxation; peacefully eliminate all existing government structures, entities and agencies that have been derived from the de facto corporations posing as legitimate governments; issue orders to the military, police and corporate powers of the land and sea to enforce our divine rights to such lawful government as was already ensured by our constitutions; and restore de facto actors to lawful de jure capacity duly confined by the constitutions of the these republics and replace the noncompliant; thus restoring to each and every American their in-law, dry land, divine rights of birth and the fruits of their individual and ancestral labor as quickly, efficiently and discretely as possible, without causing undue alarm or stress and without malice for anyone forgive in the name of the Creator all who repent their political and economic misdeeds.
It is hereby so decreed by the sovereign People of these free American republics assembled herein. Teste meipso by our hands, republic by republic, hereinafter following.
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