March 09, 2010 Elders, MD, former US Surgeon General, wrote, "The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day." While studies show that therapeutic cannabis aids in pain relief, helps physical conditions to improve and allows the ageing population to function with increased capability, the medical marijuana movement still faces some tenacious opposition. On the other hand, it also has some unwavering proponents, including talk show host, Montel Williams.
In addition,
President Obama has commented on the subject, stating that even though he's not familiar with all the details of the initiative that was passed and what safeguards were in place, he thinks the basic concept of using medical marijuana is entirely appropriate when legitimately prescribed by doctors and used as a treatment for illness in the same way and with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors. Eugene Espinosa, President of GTLA, commented, "CTS has been developed to identify the best therapeutic practices for medical marijuana users. According to, the State of Colorado has legalized marijuana for medical use, and has placed it in the Colorado Constitution, Article XVIII 14, the Supreme Law of Colorado. Therefore, Compassionate Therapeutic Solutions is in the right place at the right time to provide clinical care to those individuals who have been prescribed therapeutic cannabis for medicinal, pain relief purposes. Our goal moving forward is to educate the community on the benefits that this resource provides to qualified, registered patients when used under the proper care and supervision of licensed professionals, like those who staff CTS."
My son has Progressive MS and it is devastating to see him in pain! His MS has affected his brain, kidneys, and every organ of his body. He is currently thinking about taking a medication that has the possibility to kill him and it may be his only choice. I would urge anyone who is against this to consider the fact that if it works to give some kind of quality of life to the user then it should be allowed because it could be you or your loved one next that has to live with some kind of unbelievable pain and suffering.