Grand Ol' Party of hate
In the 1960s, at least mainstream liberal Democrats did not egg on the violent left By Jack Lessenberry
"Don't retreat, just reload."— Sarah Palin, siren of the half-wits
They filled up voice mail systems with hate-filled messages. One spat on Congressman Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri. Another called Georgia Congressman John Lewis a "nigger" — Lewis, a 1960s hero who had his skull fractured for daring to think he should be able to vote.
They waved a sign that was arguably an illegal call to violence, saying, "If Brown can't do it, a Browning can."
Their goddess, the leering, defiantly ignorant Sarah Palin, stopped scribbling on her hands long enough to lend her name to a campaign commercial showing rifle cross-hairs targeting a number of Democratic congressional districts. Her slogan: "Don't retreat, just reload."
Yes, I know. Why, silly liberals, that's just symbolic rhetoric. Naturally, the former governor of Alaska is being defended by the sort of people who flew into a rage when the former H. Rap Brown made the sadly true observation that "Violence is as American as cherry pie." .........(more)
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