via the Dallas Morning News:
Hispanic group rips Texas education board 04/01/2010
Associated Press Hispanic lawmakers and academic experts blasted the Texas State Board of Education for minimizing the contributions of minorities as it attempts to rewrite guidelines for the teaching of history and social studies.
Democratic state Rep. Trey Martinez Fisher of San Antonio, chairman of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus said Wednesday the board had become a "national circus" amid fiery debates over proposed new curriculum standards that will dictate what students in Texas learn over the next decade. Martinez Fisher cited revisions he said downplayed the importance of labor leader Cesar Chavez, for example.
He also complained that board members, at their most recent meeting on the curriculum standards, relied on information culled from the Internet while ignoring historians as they drafted amendments to the guidelines, which are supposed to be finalized in May.
"Nationally renowned experts are being replaced by Wikipedia and things you can find on the Internet, and who can Google the fastest at a board of education hearing," he said. "It has now become a national circus."
Republican Don McLeroy, the backbone of the conservative voting bloc, acknowledged fellow board members used Internet search engines to look up information on historical figures that they didn't know much about. But he said members didn't rely on the searches in the formal curriculum rewriting process. ..........(more)
The complete piece is at: