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AC360 Panel Pretends the Tea Party Isn't Part of the Republican Establishment

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 10:51 AM
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AC360 Panel Pretends the Tea Party Isn't Part of the Republican Establishment

AC360 Panel Pretends the Tea Party Isn't Part of the Republican Establishment
By Heather Saturday Apr 10, 2010 7:00am
Video at link~

The panel of David Gergen, Candy Crowley and John Avlon pretend like the astroturf teabaggers are not tied to the hip with the Republican/conservative movement and that they're some sort of true grassroots uprising. As all of us know, that's not the truth since we've been following the movement since they first started with Fox News promoting them and corporate lobbyist groups like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Tim Phillips' Americans for Prosperity organizing many of these rallies.

Not to mention that their dear leaders like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are working for ClusterFox. Can anyone imagine Al Gore doing what Palin has done after he lost (or had it stolen from him rather) the presidential election, and the media calling his rallies "grassroots"? We already know they wouldn't. For that matter they'd never allow the Democratic establishment to get away with a scam like this.

Funny none of them could be bothered with mentioning how the Tea Party movement got started and who is sponsoring all of these buses we've seen running across the country. Buses CNN has been happy to embed themselves with and hype as well. Instead they're pretending as Candy Crowley said they're a group the Republicans "are going to have to deal with". Sorry Candy, but they're already "dealing with them".


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muffin1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 10:55 AM
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1. The only ones not guilty of that are Rachel, Ed, and Keith.
I'm sick to death of hearing that these asshats are 'regular folks', and they're angry about the deficit. Bullshit. They are racists, funded by richer racists, angry about the 'black muslin' in the White House. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise.
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