just about anyone in this country. As far as selling books, he is the film-maker who has been in Afghanistan, talking to the people that no one else talks to, the ordinary citizens who are the most affected by this war. He made his films available free on the internet to try to get the real story of that war, the actual people of Afghanistan, the groups this government never talks to, the women, the democratic groups, and yes they do exist, although you'd never know it from the news we get, out to the public.
You would do well to watch some of his work. This war is not affecting YOU. You do not have to sell your children in order to save their lives, or leave your home to get away from the bombs, or dig through the rubble after one of our drones decimates your village, looking for the remains of your loved ones.
So your opinion on this war is of no consequence in the scheme of things. Greenwald has been there, have you? Have you listened to the people's pleas to the U.S. to please leave their country so that they can live without the fear of our WMDs destroying their people and their homes?
Here is a link to some of his work. I suggest you watch it, especially Part 1V. It is heart-breaking what has been done to these people.
Rethink AfghanistanI am glad that Karzai has drawn a line in the sand and hope he sticks to it. These people are not pawns in a chess game, they are real human beings.
We are the bad guys there in the eyes of the people who matter. The U.S. will not speak to the real people, those who want their country to be free again. The U.S. deals with the most brutal elements in the country, empowering them, the War Lords AND The Taliban fighters when it suits them. This has made those elements stronger and weakened the people who only want what everyone else wants in this world.
This documentary was released by Greenwald hoping that with a new administration, the policies of bombing and killing would stop. But, sadly, it only got worse.
Easy for you and others to talk dispassionately about 'surges' and 'successes' and 'increased numbers of troops', to the people there that kind of talk means more death and destruction.
Did you know that there is hardly a single person in that country that has not suffered a loss, or who has not been injured or lost their homes. The war is a crime and there is no excusing it.
And no, Greenwald is not interested in selling any books. He is a true humanitarian who actually knows what he is talking about and I doubt he has made much, if any money for his work on this story although I do hope he is because he is the kind of reporter the world needs more of.