from thinkprogress:
Palin: With his ‘chalkboard technique,’ Glenn Beck is ‘changing our country.’ On Friday night, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin “stormed” into Oregon for a speech at the Lane County Republican’s Lincoln Dinner. She called on the crowd to help elect more Republicans, joked about speaking in such a liberal state, and hit the “lame-stream media”:
During a question and answer session, Eugene City Councilwoman Jennifer Solomon read a pre-screened question from the audience about her role at Fox News. Palin said she was proud to be a part of Fox News for being “fair and balanced.”
She also praised Fox host Glenn Beck and said with “his chalkboard technique he’s changing our country.”
Journalists who covered Friday’s speech were subject to strict restrictions from the Palin camp.
No cameras or recording devices of any kind were allowed and reporters were only allowed to watch the speech on a video feed in an adjacent room. Speech organizers provided one photo of the event taken by a hired photographer.