This is going to empty the AZ state treasury by the cost of either added cops on the street or other crimes that go uninvestigated because of the removal of LEOS from other crime invesigations. Add to that the multitude of law suits AZ will be inindated with by civil rights groups suing the state. In addition, you'll have the hard righties that might feel you haven't performed as well as the gestapo did during thir reign of terror. They will be suing LEOS and PD's as well and the cost to the tax payers will be in the tens of millions of dollars. I hope your republican politicians have an appetite to raise taxes on you because that is what will happen. Get ready AZ. Your taxes are about to go through the roof to pay for the litigation the state and local governments will have to shell out for this really stupidly conceived law. Your no tax republicans....ha, here where I live which is controlled by the repubs, they are raising taxes on the people but they call them fees. Wake up people.