Will Pay the Cost of the Cleanup
VENICE, Louisiana - President Barack Obama said his administration will use "every single available resource at our disposal" to respond to the massive oil spill expected to reach the Gulf coastline within a day.
Obama said Thursday the response could include the Defense Department.
He said the oil company BP ultimately will pay the cost of the cleanup. BP operated the offshore rig that was exploded and sank last week.
Obama said he has called the governors of the five Gulf Coast states. And he has dispatched top Homeland Security, Interior and Environmental Protection Agency officials to the region.
The administration rejected suggestions that the federal government was slow to act in dealing with the spill and expressed frustration with BP's inability to seal the ruptured well head. The government approved the start of drilling for a relief well and was considering approving a second one as industry and government officials worked on multiple fronts to contain the slick.
"We are being very aggressive and we are prepared for the worst case," Coast Guard Rear Adm. Sally Brice-O'Hara said earlier at the White House. Federal officials announced inspections would begin immediately of all oil rigs in the Gulf and subpoena powers would be used in the gathering investigation. But the priority was to support the oil company BP in employing booms, skimmers, chemical dispersants and controlled burns to fight the oil surging from the seabed.
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