In an interview that's sure to revive CNN's brand and make Larry King relevant again in the non-celebrity-divorce sense, here's reality-teevee show host and builder of sketchy condo-hotels Donald Trump, SPEAKING OUT! Thrill to the oversimplified takes on everything, up to and including Arizona's new immigration law.
At the 3:05 mark, you can enjoy Trump's monologue on the matter, remixed from stuff he's heard on television.
TRUMP: Well it all starts with the Federal government not coming out with a law. They've been talking about it for years and they still haven't done anything about it. And Arizona is really getting crime-ridden. There's people coming over, there's killings all over the place, there's shootings all over the place.
KING: But do you favor stopping people on the street?
TRUMP: What are you going to do? I mean, are you going to stop people to see if they're supposed to be there? And personally as a citizen I wouldn't mind, I really wouldn't mind.
Would you mind if people from Slovenia were stopped if they looked funny?
M. TRUMP: Well, I think everybody needs to have papers, you know, and be legally here. We need to have papers if we go anywhere else in the world, so people need to have also the papers here.