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Magbana: Honduran National Resistance Update 10/11

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Downwinder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-11-09 12:28 PM
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Magbana: Honduran National Resistance Update 10/11
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-11-09 01:18 PM
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1. Thanks for posting the update. Thanks, also, to magbana. n/t
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-11-09 03:29 PM
Response to Original message
2. This article makes a very important point, besides providing first-hand accounts
of the terrible Junta violence against Hondurans who oppose the coup.

"The Honduran people have set an example for people throughout Latin America through three months of steady resistance to the coup in their country. But there are powerful groups within Honduras and abroad organizing to neutralize this unprecedented force and block the resistance from growing in strength and numbers. These groups above all seek to prevent the nation from carrying out a Constitutional Assembly to modify the outdated constitution. Along with the reinstatement of the elected President Manuel Zelaya, this demand is central to the popular movement against the coup as a necessary tool to bring the country and its people out of poverty.

"In this Special Report, Tegucigalpa reporter Dick Emanuelsson and photographer Mirian Huezo Emanuelsson chronicle the terror and repression unleashed by the coup to maintain power. Despite promises to lift the executive decree that imposed a state of siege, the violence continues."



The Honduran Constitution is not just "outdated," as the article says, it is the "worst Constitution in the world," according to none other than Oscar Arias--the US/Clinton choice for mediator of this crisis--quoted in The Nation this week, in an article by Greg Grandin.

"This (the crisis) is something that will have to be resolved," he said, "and the best way to do this is, if we can't have a constitutional election, is to have certain reforms so this Honduran constitution ceases to be the worst in the entire world."

Also, the call for a Constituent Assembly (constitutional convention) came from unions, community organizers, human rights workers and grass roots groups all over Honduras. It has widespread support, and has had for a long time. This was not just Zelaya's idea, and the notion that he proposed it to extend his own term limit is a lie and a slander. He was responding to the people, as a president should. And for this--for merely proposing a very popular idea for an advisory vote of the people--they shot up his house, kidnapped him at gunpoint, dragging him from his bed, and exiled him, and are now committing all this horrendous violence against people who merely want change.

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