TIMES, April 1 – In Cuba they say that under socialism each person is the owner of the means of production, a principle that was apparently taken to heart by several important executives of Cubana Airlines and some travel agencies.
The national press is staying oblivious, as they always do concerning the most important events occurring in Cuba.
For decades leaders didn’t live off their wages. Houses and automobiles were “assigned” to them for no cost or at token prices as perks for their merits. This operated as a mechanism that took place on the fringe of the law and of established norms.
Some time back, a Cuban military officer who had fought in a Latin American guerrilla war admitted to me that when he returned to the island “they gave me a bunch of keys to empty houses and told me to choose the one I liked most.”
They are devoid of ideology; they defend the system as long as it turns them a profit, as they wait patiently for it to collapse in order to become the owners of the companies they manage. They are a breed that —paraphrasing Marx— that could become the gravedigger of Cuban socialism.