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U.S. government contracts reveal Miami journalists on the payroll

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-07-11 02:01 AM
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U.S. government contracts reveal Miami journalists on the payroll
U.S. government contracts reveal Miami journalists on the payroll
Submitted by davidswanson on Fri, 2011-05-06 00:01 EvidenceMedia

In 1998, five Cuban men were arrested by the U.S. government and tried in Miami on charges of conspiring to commit espionage on the United States.

The five men’s mission was to stop terrorism, keeping watch on Miami’s ultra-right extremists to prevent their violent attacks against Cuba. “The Cuban Five,” as they are now known, were convicted after repeated denials by the judge to move the trial venue out of Miami. The U.S. government insisted that they be tried in Miami.

What the Cuban Five and their attorneys did not know during trial was that the U.S. government—through its official propaganda agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors—was covertly paying prominent Miami journalists who, at the same time as the government conducted its prosecution, saturated the Miami media with reports that were highly inflammatory and prejudicial to the Cuban Five.

The presence of Miami journalists on the U.S. government payroll, who purported to report as “independent” press, goes to the heart of the unjust conviction of the Five. The Five were not only victims of a politically-motivated prosecution, but a government-funded propaganda operation as well.


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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-07-11 12:44 PM
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1. Oh, I think there is a real nest of Bushwhack vipers in the Miami DOJ and other fed agencies.
Those of us who watched the "Guido" caper, carefully, perceived a bit of the wiggle of this venomous snakepit.

A Miami mafia operative named "Guido" (billionaire hotelier Antonini Wilson) carrying a suitcase packed with bricks of dollars totaling $700,000, talks his way onto a private jet carrying Venezuelan state oil executives to Argentina and walks right into the muzzle of Argentinian customs officials at the international airport in Buenos Aires. He somehow talks his way out of being arrested and hightails it back to Miami to become "state's witness" for a Bushbot U.S. attorney who claims that the money was sent by Hugo Chavez to the leftist candidate for president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, and proceeds to arrest and prosecute Venezuelan businessmen whom "Guido" claims asked him not to link Chavez to the money. The charge against them: " failing to register with the U.S. Attorney General" (Alberto "torture memo" Gonzales) as "agents of a foreign government" (Venezuela).

MANY anti-Chavez headlines in the Miami Hairball and other RW media followed--months and months of it. I wasn't following official U.S. government propaganda horns at the time but they were very likely doing the same--making as much anti-Left manure out of this as they could. The immediate target was Fernandez de Kirchner (who won her election handily anyway--and was maybe even helped by the U.S. dirty dealing) (--Bushwacks never seem to think about blowback). But the BIG TARGET was, of course, Chavez--to sully, to smear, to "divide and conquer" from his allies, to topple (which this and all Bushwhack ops failed at).

Here is an excellent run-down on the "Guido" caper by Inkakola News. VERY worth reading.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-07-11 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Here's the blog on "Guido" that Incakola News links to...

Contains the interview in which "Guido" says "We're going to topple (Chavez)," just before the 2002 coup attempt.

Corrections of my comment above: Incakola says the suitcase had $800,000 hard U.S. cash (I said $700,000). Also, I'm not sure if "Guido" is a billionaire, though the interviewee saw his garage full of "Hummers, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Mercedeses." He may be merely a multi-millionaire, or a multi-millionaire by marriage, or possibly a billionaire by marriage, with his ears pinned back by a prenup. I can't know much he himself has--just that he flaunts an uber-rich lifestyle, according to this and other reports. He could be in blackmailable, arm-twistable, kneecap-able debt, for all I know--or his wife could be the richie, and he's just a bagman for the Miami mafia and the Bushwhacks.

My main point is that the Bushwhacks are/were tightly wound into this extremely rich terrorist gang in Miami. Of course, the U.S. government is in general tangled up with it--both Dems and Pukes--and have been since the JFK assassination. But with the Bush Junta, officials of the federal government were not even making a pretense of distance. They were blatantly colluding with these gangsters and terrorists to bring down legitimate, democratic, popular governments--in Venezuela and Argentina, and no doubt elsewhere (Ecuador and Bolivia, come to mind--all four being failed RW coups; and of course later, Honduras, where bloody-handed fascists recently "succeeded"--although long term their "cause" truly is doomed in the entire region).

So the notion that the U.S./Bush Junta government had "journalists" on the payroll to trumpet their anti-Left propaganda and dirty ops is a no-brainer. Of course they did! The whole point of the "Guido" caper was PUBLICITY.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-07-11 11:57 PM
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3. So disgusting. n/t
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roody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-10-11 08:48 AM
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4. k
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