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Chile favors $7 billion hydroelectric dams on remote Patagonian rivers, despite opposition

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-09-11 04:29 PM
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Chile favors $7 billion hydroelectric dams on remote Patagonian rivers, despite opposition
Chile favors $7 billion hydroelectric dams on remote Patagonian rivers, despite opposition
By Associated Press, Updated: Monday, May 9, 3:46 PM

SANTIAGO, Chile — A $7 billion project to dam two of the world’s last remaining wild rivers for electricity is expected to receive environmental approval from a Chilean government commission, despite a groundswell of opposition.

At stake is a mostly roadless region of remote southern Patagonia where rainfall is nearly constant and rivers plunge from Andean glaciers to the Pacific Ocean through green valleys and fjords. The decision also is key to the future of Chile, which has a booming economy, vast mineral wealth and a determination to join the elite group of first-world nations.

The commission was expected to vote on the issue by Monday evening.

With its energy-intensive mining industry clamoring for more power and living standards improving, some analysts say Chile must triple its capacity in just 15 years, despite having no domestic oil or natural gas. Chile imports 97 percent of its fossil fuels and depends largely on hydropower for electricity, creating a crisis when droughts drain reservoirs or faraway disputes affect energy imports.


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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-09-11 11:39 PM
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1. Take a look at the region

Where multinational ENDESA and Chilean COLBUN have joined forces to create a monopoly on electricty in Chile.

The project calls for FIVE massive hydroelectric dams that would flood pristine lands in the southern Aysen province.

Another transnational, TRANSELEC, from Canada, would build the more than 1,000-mile grid to furnish the electricity to the central region (Santiago, Valparaiso, and other cities.)

Needless to say, a majority of Chilean are opposed.

(The deer in the video are called "huemul." The national "escudo" of Chile features one of the deer. There are thought to be about 1,000 of the deer left in the southern Andes where the dams are projected.

The bird on the right is the condor, just in case.

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-10-11 12:07 AM
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2. Demonstrations across Chile tonight against hydro dams

Santiago, demonstrators took to the streets after right-wing Pinera government commission approved the HidroAysén projects. Carabineros fired tear gas, some demonstrators detained, some injured in violent clashes with police.

Protests also in the cities of Coyhaique, Antofagasta, Copiapó, Valparaíso, Concepción, Talca, Temuco, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt, among others.

Much more, Spanish, El Mercurio
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-10-11 12:33 AM
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3. One more, this one in English

Massive protests rocked Chile today due a decision by the Chilean Government to approve 5 new dams, in the Patagonia region, in order to provide energy to it's people even though 80% of Chileans were against such a move, regardless of having to spend more money on their electricity bill.

Without getting into politics, (Lagos, a leftist, and then Bachellet, a leftist, started a project which has now been finished by a right-wing President, Piñera), HidroAysen was approved today, by a vote of 11 to 1, by the ministers of Chile (incredibly, the only "abstention" was the Minister of Health, Claudio Vallegos. (Note: Even the Minister of Environment, Carol Alvarado, voted "for" the project).

Most major cities: Santiago, Valparaiso, Antofagasta, Talca, Temuco, Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Concepcion, Coyhaique and Osorno; were up in arms protesting against the unpopular decision taken by their "representatives" taken today.

The voting Ministers had to leave the building in a special bus, that was protected by police vehicles, due to rocks being thrown by protesters (most injuries were caused at that time).
Government officials tried to downplay the situation by saying that the opposition was making a "circus" out of this and that the opposition was trying to take political advantage of the situation (even though 80% of Chileans oppose dams in the Patagonia)


This has the potential to turn into a major political crisis for Pinera. In football parlance, he has scored an "own goal" against himself.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-10-11 03:08 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. People must be absolutely sick, and horrified. Normally you wouldn't expect anyone to disturb
such a wonderful area. It can't be replaced. Everything there is necessary.

What a shame the few, but well-connected can create so much destruction with no way to block their ambitions.

It would only be right if the PEOPLE won this one, rabs.

Hope those Americans appearing on that video can help the protest.

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CJvR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-10-11 04:30 AM
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5. Choices.
Given the choice of wrecking a river for power or burn coal most people would burn more coal.
Given the choice of ruining your view with a huge wind park or burn coal most people would burn more coal.
Given the choice of sitting in their cold dark houses staring at a black TV/computer screen or burn coal most people would burn more coal.
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