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Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela turn the page

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 12:45 PM
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Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela turn the page

Yesterday our trio of anti-Chavez, anti-Correa tiddlers were busy and gleefully posting here and on LBN on the publication of Raul Reyes's emails in London.

What our tiddler trio did not realize (or were ignorant of the fact) was that at the same time, the three countries were shutting the door on any controversy among them that could be generated by the Magical Laptop and pin drives that survived the 500-pound bombs three years ago.

-- In Bogota, Foreign Minister Maria Angelica Holguin said she had spoken by telephone with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro and that both had agreed to "turn the page. We are not going to comment on the report."

-- In Bogota also, Vice President Angelino Garzon added that "we don't have to respond for something that we did not write."

-- In London, Venezuela said in a communique it gave little credit to the report and because of "basic imprecisions," considered that there were doubts "about the quality of the rest of the report. Venezuela warned the report could be "converted into a propaganda tool against Venezuela to undermine progress in the region."

-- In Quito, there was no official reply from the government, but Vice Chancellor Kintto Lucas defended Rafael Correa saying it was "totally false" that Correa had received campaign funds from the FARC.

-- In Brasilia, Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota, dismissed any importance to the report and instead highlighted the new "understanding" between Caracas and Bogota.

So, as far as the three countries are concerned, the report is much ado about nothing.

It must have alvarito uribe frothing at the mouth again, much like last week when the "armed conflict" question opened up the largest ideological chasm thus far between him and Santos.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 02:44 PM
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1. The Magic Laptop said that there would be a conflict about the perception of the armed conflict!
This developement must be driving the little fella wild. I've heard he's battling with Samper about it, too.

Truly great info. from the 3 countries involved, and Brazil's Foreign Minister. Very cool.

This will just kill the cluster pluckers. Well-crafted anti-left fodder has been sparse for them lately. Probably feeling a little dizzy, a little weak. May have to lie down beside their puters for a while to rest up.

Rest in peace.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 06:34 PM
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3. You do have the most wonderful cache of pictures, Judi Lynn!
I now have an image for the anti-Left, anti-Chavez gang. I will picture them supine with disease masks on their faces protecting the rest of us from their toxic posts and a sentimental rose in their hands, to remind me that the flip side of brutality is sentimentality (a wise old sage once told me that). The latter is particularly apt for the ones who throw little temper tantrums, claiming, for instance, that they are Venezuelan, and, thus, nobody else can possibly understand how hard it is to find subservient maids and gardeners these days in Venezuela, and how that denies them "free speech," cuz if the "help" talks back, how can the rich practice forcing their opinions on everybody for when they march and go on TV and stuff? It's communist! Boo-hoo, boo-hoo! And then they go gaze at a rose and think of the good ol' days and the tears fall.

I shall think of these masks and this rose often. Thank you!

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-12-11 04:51 AM
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4.  It seemed only a photo of those deluded, pompous brats would work. I was so pleased find
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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-11-11 03:28 PM
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2. yep, its as I noted yesterday
Colombia will take a pragmatic course more than likely for economic interests primarily. quite magnanimous of Colombia considering that Chavez supported those who wanted to overthrow Colombia's government.
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