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CDM reviews process after human-rights abuse claims

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-13-11 09:53 PM
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CDM reviews process after human-rights abuse claims
CDM reviews process after human-rights abuse claims
The UN Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will conduct a root-and-branch review of how it involves the public in its approvals process.

Published: Friday, May 13 2011

The decsion follows uproar over a Honduran biogas project that has been linked to serious human-rights violations and 23 deaths in the past year.

But the CDM Executive Board has put off until its next meeting a decision on whether to launch an investigation into the project itself, which is on a palm-oil plantation in the northern Bajo Aguán area.

The board has yet to rule on whether the project will qualify for Certified Emission Reductions for the 23,000 tonnes of CO2 it would avoid.

According to human-rights organisations, project developer Grupo Dinant has been at the centre of violent conflicts over land, with evictions and the murder of local people, whose land was taken to build the plantation. Campaigners claim that the site has been used by military forces to attack poor landowners.

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-14-11 01:09 AM
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1. So, who is the owner of Grupo Dinant?

Businessman and landowner Miguel Facussé Barjum, one of the wealthiest men in Honduras, is owner of Grupo Dinant, which produces biodiesel fuel from palm and jatropha oils, among other enterprises. He and other members of his family are widely thought to have been instrumental in the coup d’état that ousted Manuel Zelaya from the presidency on June 28, 2009.


Displacement and assassination of campesinos. Under Facussé, not surprising.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-14-11 01:08 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks for finding out who owns this business, rabs. I had to post and run, didn't have time to look
His was the one and only name which came to mind, he is a monster who looks as evil as his reputation sounds.

I read in the link you posted that Facussé had the unmitigated gall to publicly claim César Ham is responsible for a group of shootings of would-be farmers who were given that land by Lobo's government. Facussé isn't afraid to do anything because experience taught him long ago he CAN get by with murder in Honduras.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's the main person they were talking about back in 2009 when they said someone was bringing in paras from Colombia to "protect" them after the coup.

Do you remember for a long time people thought the coup leaders had killed César Ham, who had intended to run for the Presidency? He was injured, at that time, and became invisible for a while. They also had the military, police attack other leftist politicians, and ended up hospitalizing a couple of them, one was VERY scuffed up, broken limbs, etc. At some point, a LOT of leftist politicians all resigned from the election altogether. There were even pictures taken of them standing in a long line to get their names removed.

Not hard to win an election, is it, when the opposition's candidates are too scared to run, or are laid up in the hospital!


And it looks as if they intend to KEEP Honduras in this condition since they have proven no one can keep them from doing it. They own the soldiers and police, even though they had to steal them. Too powerful and dangerous for the people to repudiate and cast off.

Thanks for the illumination on Grupo Dinant.
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