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Groundswell against Pinera growing over HidroAysén

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-14-11 12:53 AM
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Groundswell against Pinera growing over HidroAysén
Edited on Sat May-14-11 01:16 AM by rabs

Chile's Patagonia.

Five hydro-electric dams are being planned on two rivers in the region.

More than 30,000 Chileans demonstrated tonight (Friday) in Santiago against the HidroAysén project approved for Patagonia this week by the government.

The 30,000 figure was provided by Carabineros, which made it the largest protest against Pinera's right-wing government thus far, and one of the largest in recent years. The demonstration was peaceful except for a few clashes by small groups against police at the end.

In Valparaiso, police broke up a march because organizers were denied permission to stage the protest. Tear gas and water cannons were used there.

There were similar demonstrations in Iquique, La Serena, Concepción, Chillán, Temuco and Valdivia (in other words, almost the length of Chile).

On May 21, Pinera is scheduled to give his first State of the Union address at the national Congress in Valparaiso. Ecology/environmental organizations are planning massive protests on that day throughout Chile, including inside the Congress building.

Only one year in office and Pinera has a giant problem on his hands.

(edit - typos)

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martagill Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-14-11 10:08 AM
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1. Hidroaysen
There goes the neighborhood.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-14-11 12:40 PM
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2. Breathtaking images of the imperiled area, rabs. Why would anyone want to destroy it.....
It's Chile's heritage. They don't HAVE anything to replace it.

Have heard about this since Michelle Bachelet's Presidency. It seemed hideous then, and it hasn't changed. It doesn't take any effort at all to understand how upset, angry, and adamant the people are. I hope they can consolidate their efforts and get the government to look for alternatives. It is at the crisis point, isn't it?

Pinera'a State of the Union speech is one week from today, according to your info. I wish he could be moved to start looking for other means to increase power. The price for this is unacceptable. What would be achieved could never be worth the sacrifice.
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