(edit, typo in header field)
The Peruvian Church is anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-contraception.
But the cardinal failed to condemn what was nothing less than (in the short and medium term) the "social cleansing" of indigenous peoples under Alberto Fujimori.
In the long term, it could be argued that it was a program for the genocide of the Quecha/Aymara peoples of the altiplano.

Reading Peruvian media just now, discovered that the overseer of the electoral process is a woman named Magdalena Chu. She advised Peruvians today to NOT confide in exit polls on Sunday because the polls "have a margin of error" and could cause "uncertainity" among Peruvians.
The surname "Chu" is Japanese. Just like Fujimori. (Probably just a coincidence -- shrug)
As of last night, polticial rallies are banned. At midnight tonight, liquor sales across the country are prohibited, until noon on Monday. (But I would wager that anyone who wants to can get pisco or has already stocked up on it to celebrate or mourn on Sunday night .. lol )
There are more than 200 international observers for Sunday. Most from Latin America, the OAS and the EU.
On the light side, here is an anti-Humala comment under a story I read:
"Mommy, there's noting to eat. Grab the parrot and fry it. But there's no cooking oil. Then boil it. There's no water. Then bake it. But there's no gas. Then electrocute it. There's no electricity."
After a pause, the parrot screams, "VIVA OLANTA HUMALA, DAMMIT !!"
*Mamá.. no hay nada q comer!!! - Coge al loro y fríelo. * Pero no hay aceite.. - Pues sancóchalo... * Mamá..malas noticias...No hay agua!!! - ASALO HIJO...ASALO!!! * Pero si no hay gas!!!! - entonces ELECTROCUTALO!!!! * no hay corriente mamaaa!!!! ..........Y luego se escucha al loro gritar "¡¡¡¡ QUE VIVA OLLANTA HUMALA, CARAJO !!!!"