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Peru's Catholic leader chimes in on forced sterilizations

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-11 02:51 PM
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Peru's Catholic leader chimes in on forced sterilizations

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriana has criticized the inclusion of the issue of forced sterilizations of indigenous women (and men) in the presidential campaign. (

He said including them confused the electorate, was aimed at winning votes and broke the rules of fair play. (In other words, it is an attack on Humala, and indirect support for Keiko.)

Spanish --


An estimated 250,000 to 330,000 women (and to a lesser extent, men) underwent forced sterilizations in the mid- to late 1990s in Peru, while Alberto Fujimore was president.

The first lady of Peru at the time was Keiko.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-11 03:03 PM
Response to Original message
1. They twist themselves in knots trying to justify their treachery. Instead of maintaining
his church's position on fertility, childbirth, etc., he excoriates anyone who mentions what Fujimori (while Keiko assisted him as 1st lady) DID to so many Peruvian women and their loved ones.

Crazy, crazy. Instead of being fit to be tied over the forced sterilizations, he's flipping enraged anyone brought it up.

Half-wit! Now he hopes he can demand that every Catholic Peruvian ignore the truth and vote the way he wants him/her to vote. Surely they can see through this. Time for the human race to wake from its long sleep.

It would be so enjoyable to grap his silly neck with giant hands and give him a vigorous shaking.

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-11 06:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Hypocrisy of the highest order
Edited on Fri Jun-03-11 06:59 PM by rabs

(edit, typo in header field)

The Peruvian Church is anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-contraception.

But the cardinal failed to condemn what was nothing less than (in the short and medium term) the "social cleansing" of indigenous peoples under Alberto Fujimori.

In the long term, it could be argued that it was a program for the genocide of the Quecha/Aymara peoples of the altiplano.


Reading Peruvian media just now, discovered that the overseer of the electoral process is a woman named Magdalena Chu. She advised Peruvians today to NOT confide in exit polls on Sunday because the polls "have a margin of error" and could cause "uncertainity" among Peruvians.

The surname "Chu" is Japanese. Just like Fujimori. (Probably just a coincidence -- shrug)

As of last night, polticial rallies are banned. At midnight tonight, liquor sales across the country are prohibited, until noon on Monday. (But I would wager that anyone who wants to can get pisco or has already stocked up on it to celebrate or mourn on Sunday night .. lol )

There are more than 200 international observers for Sunday. Most from Latin America, the OAS and the EU.


On the light side, here is an anti-Humala comment under a story I read:

"Mommy, there's noting to eat. Grab the parrot and fry it. But there's no cooking oil. Then boil it. There's no water. Then bake it. But there's no gas. Then electrocute it. There's no electricity."

After a pause, the parrot screams, "VIVA OLANTA HUMALA, DAMMIT !!"

*Mamá.. no hay nada q comer!!! - Coge al loro y fríelo. * Pero no hay aceite.. - Pues sancóchalo... * Mamá..malas noticias...No hay agua!!! - ASALO HIJO...ASALO!!! * Pero si no hay gas!!!! - entonces ELECTROCUTALO!!!! * no hay corriente mamaaa!!!! ..........Y luego se escucha al loro gritar "¡¡¡¡ QUE VIVA OLLANTA HUMALA, CARAJO !!!!"

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 09:36 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. Hope the Peruvian people will show Chu all the respect anyone from Garcia's admin. is due!
Glad you pointed out the longer view. The story first hit me from the close-focused immediate sense. I was unable to step back enough to see what the larger picture was. You are clearly right on that. The impact to the next generation, or what would have been the next generation, will be immediate, too.

Speaking of Magdalena Chu, I just found this disturbing article with her name attached which should be posted here:
(beneath an article on a page with the following:
Peru: much at stake in presidential election
Monday, 30 May 2011 08:49)

~ ~ ~

Pacarán: a small town with big expectations
By Ismael Leon*

The National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) has chosen the district of Pacarán, 150 kilometres south of Lima, in the province of Cañete, as the place where the pilot plan for electronic voting is to be tested. The trouble is that Pacarán's mayor Roosevelt Avalos, a follower of former dictator Alberto Fujimori, has been preparing, with the help of technicians and agents sent from Lima, the victory of Keiko Fujimori, which it will launch as a scoop to the world the on June 5 at 4:00 pm. After the close of voting, the results will be announced in 30 minutes. For that day, ONPE has invited to Pacarán journalists from all the newspapers, television and major radio stations, as well as international agencies, to cover the event.

The enigma is why the ONPE has chosen Pacarán as the centre of operations for the pilot plan. Cañete province has 16 districts, 14 of which have mayors from various parties and local groups. A malicious explanation would be that Pacarán is run by people who favour Fujimori. The chief of the agency, Magdalena Chu, has said that she was inclined to choose this district because of its location. She did not elaborate on this theory. She visited the town on Sunday 22 May and was welcomed by Roosevelt Avalos, aldermen José Arteaga, Veronica Negron, Antonio Palomino and Carlos Gutierrez, all from Fuerza 2011, Fujimori's party.

That day, there was a voting simulation with the new equipment, albeit without the antenna that will capture the information in an encrypted form and send it to Lima electronically. In the simulation the party symbols that will appear on the ballot paper were replaced by those of a hen and a duck. As it happened, the hen won. The lack of antenna prevented journalists from sending messages from cell phones, but officials offered that, on June 5 this service will be available.

For the electronic voting the voters, after handing over their identity card (DNI), will receive a card that they will carry into the polling cubicle. They will introduce the card into a slot in the computer and the screen will show third options. The first option is a choice between candidates Humala and Fujimori, while the other two show how to cancel or to invalidate the vote. When the voter presses the selected button, the machine will print out a ballot with their preferences, which hw/she must put in the ballot box before the members of the electoral table. The Fujimorista municipal team of Pacarán, with the support of Lima, has carried out an intense campaign in favour of the new system, handing over t-shirts, tracksuits, slippers and bags of food. Keiko Fujimori, in person, has offered her support and the message that has been left among the population is that if Humala wins, he will take away their children and their land.

The thought of eating magical parrots nearly did me in! Ha ha. As for a lack of properity, I've never heard Fujimori nearly set the world on fire with HIS brand of economic management. No doubt he has passed on all he didn't know to his daughter.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 12:42 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Good find on Pacarán

I had read in a Spanish article about the e-voting pilot program in Pacarán. The claim that results would be known in 30 minutes caught my attention.

But what I did not know is that Pacarán is a fujimorista bastion and Magdalena Chu obviously chose it for that reason. The link you provided also reveals that the electoral council is fujimorista, which confirmed my initial suspecion about Chu.

The results probably will be flashed to the rest of the country early in order to try to influence voting across the country.

As it appears now, Humala leads in the south, the eastern jungle region, large sectors of the north and of course the altiplano where the indigenous live.

So if the fix is in, it will be in Lima.

Now just have to wait until tomorrow night.

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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-11 07:31 PM
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3. What a tool. nt
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 05:09 AM
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4. Makes you wonder if maybe this Cardinal had a hand in the sterilizations.
Applying my "rule of thumb" for Bushwhacks (which seems to apply pretty well to rightwing assholes in Latin America), consider the "rule": Whatever they say, the opposite is true, and whatever they accuse others of doing, they are doing or planning to do.

So, if the Cardinal doesn't want this INCREDIBLE HORROR discussed, he's got something to hide in connection with this horror.

The word "hypocrisy" doesn't even begin to adequately describe the level of lying that both Bushwhacks and Catholic cardinals, bishops and popes get up to. You have to think in terms of "projection" (psychological projection) to really understand it. They project their own evil onto others--whether they are burning witches or dropping 500 lb "smart bombs" on tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis for phantom WMDs, they are themselves the evildoers. But it's more than this--it's knowing, cynical use of projection to wield power over others. Rarely do such projectors of evil believe what they are saying. Sometimes they are psychotic (like Hitler); more often they are just cold-blooded liars and self-worshipers. Sociopaths.

I recall that Catholic cardinal (Lara, I think was his name--now deceased) who fulminated against Chavez from his pulpit, calling Chavez a "dictator" and worse. Turns out that this cardinal spent most of his career in the Vatican finance office, and was the only high level prelate ever fired by the Vatican (during the fascist banking scandals of the 1980s). So, for him, the notion of helping the poor--as the Chavez government has done--rather than the corrupt rich--as he had done--had to be countered by projecting evil onto Chavez. Is there any worse "dictator" than a Catholic cardinal, with his royal robes and people obliged to kiss his ring and whatnot, in this totally monolithic, monarchical and tyrannical institution that the Catholic Church has become? And there he was, spouting his rightwing political tripe as if it were the word of God, right on the altar! What an abomination! Chavez, on the other hand, has not only been elected by huge majorities, in honest and fair elections, his government is clearly doing "the will of the people," for instance, in fighting for fair oil contracts with the multinationals and insisting on a large percentage of the profits going to social programs, such as education and health care. He is not a "dictator" unless you think FDR was a "dictator" ("Organized money hates me, and I welcome their hatred" --FDR).

So here we have another Catholic cardinal telling people what to think and what not to think. 'Don't look at my chicanery in the Vatican finance office; hate Chavez, instead,'s a dictator!' Or (in Cardinal Cipriana's case): 'Don't look at my collusion with the genocidal Fujimora's; that's foul play!'

Could be just political. But I suspect projection. The Cardinal not only wants to "sterilize" the debate; he's probably a racist pig who would like to see the Indigenous wiped off the face of the earth.
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