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Humala says he would pardon Keiko's father but only on humanitarian (health) grounds

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 01:21 AM
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Humala says he would pardon Keiko's father but only on humanitarian (health) grounds

Interesting development tonight in Lima. (Interview by CNN en espanol.)

This cuts the floor under Keiko, who now has to say whether she too would pardon her father and on what grounds. And that would create a firestorm, with the election set for Sunday.

I would imagine the Lima media will be after Keiko tomorrow for her reaction.

Humala was asked whether, if he won the presidency, he would pardon Fujimori. He replied "yes, no one deserves to die in jail."

" ... yes, for humanitarian reasons, I believe ... we cannot exceed ourselves in punishments and vengeance."

Peruvian law give a president the right to grant pardons. They are usually granted if a prisoner is gravely ill.

Spanish from El Comercio of Lima

More Spanish from El Mercurio of Santiago, which has details that El Comercio omitted.

Asked whether "Fujimori should die a prisoner," Humala responded, "no, no one deserves to die a prisoner in jail, there should be a humanitarian treatment for persons who are deprived of their liberty. (Fujimori) deserves punishment, he does not deserve abuse."

Fujimori is 72 years old, serving a 25 year sentence, He has been operated four times for a lesion on his tongue, which could be a precursor to cancer.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 10:22 AM
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1. Interesting statement. Well done. Too bad they couldn't have gotten Fujimori into prison,
where he belonged much sooner.

Good to hear this. Recommend. Thanks.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 01:34 PM
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2. No reaction from Keiko yet

Just did a fast scan of Peruvian media.

Had thought maybe Keiko would say she would pardon Humala's brother Antauro, who is also serving a 25-year prison sentence for sedition (short-lived rebellion against President Toledo). :-)

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