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Plan Sabana - La Primera publishes plan on dirty war against Humala

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Derechos Donating Member (892 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 06:04 AM
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Plan Sabana - La Primera publishes plan on dirty war against Humala
Edited on Sat Jun-04-11 06:06 AM by Derechos
See below an excerpt from the article published in La Primera on the Garcia administration's dirty campaign against Humala that includes the participation of Peru's national security aparatus. After publishing their article, a floral arrangment commonly used for funerals was sent to their office with the letters "QPD" which stands for "Que en paz descansa" or rest in peace.

Para evaluar y supervisar la ejecución del Plan Sábana, operación de inteligencia que busca ensuciar la imagen del candidato Ollanta Humala y su entorno, la mañana del último sábado 14 de mayo, el presidente Alan García sostuvo una reunión en Palacio de Gobierno con el jefe de la Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (Dini), general PNP retirado Danilo Guevara; el ministro del Interior, Miguel Hidalgo; el jefe de la Dirandro, general PNP Carlos Morán, y el jefe de Inteligencia Naval, contralmirante Pedro García Llaque, informaron fuentes dignas de crédito.

Según informes de contrainteligencia a los que tuvo acceso LA PRIMERA, en esa convocatoria el mandatario y los oficiales evaluaron los avances de inteligencia y acciones del Plan Sábana. También examinaron los nuevos audios a difundirse próximamente y el impacto de los que fueron difundidos por el diario El Comercio y otros canales.

PLAN SÁBANA SALE DESDE PALACIO - Ahora contra Álvaro Vargas Llosa, Abugattás y Chehade

“El Comercio”, “Perú.21” y “Correo” serán las principales ventanas para seguir desprestigiando a quienes colaboran con el candidato de Gana Perú, Ollanta Humala. Actualmente están en la Fase II que consiste en desprestigiar a Nadine Heredia, vinculándola con Chávez y Venezuela; y en ensuciar el entorno de Ollanta Humala: Salomón Lerner. Entre los siguientes objetivos están también Omar Chehade y Daniel Abugattás y últimamente lo han puesto en la mira a Álvaro Vargas Llosa.

1. Demolición del Plan de Gobierno y de la credibilidad de Ollanta Humala

2. Generar temor, miedo, en los electores del sector C, con el tema de los fondos de jubilación de las AFP.

3. Contratación de Bayly.

4. Ligar a Ollanta con el Andahuaylazo.

1. A. Plan “conexión venezolana”.

Objetivo: Desprestigiar la imagen Nadine Heredia y establecimiento de conexión con Venezuela para el financiamiento de la campaña.

1ª. ETAPA: Sensibilizar a la población en el tema de Venezuela y la presencia de Chávez en el Perú


- Economía venezolana en programas de TV.

- Patria potestad de los niños para el Estado (misma campaña hecha en Cuba y Venezuela).

- Libertad de expresión, Ollanta igual que Venezuela.

- Cambio constitucional, referéndum.

2ª. ETAPA: Vinculación Nadine-Venezuela.

1. Audios Nadine-Virly Torres (obtenidos presumiblemente por la Dirandro o por BTR, la empresa chuponeadora).

2. Audio Nadine con tercera persona acerca de su relación con la Embajada de Venezuela.

3. Video de reunión Nadine-Virly Torres y otros funcionarios.

4. Video de visita de Nadine Heredia a Venezuela.

5. Conversación con empresa de consultoría venezolana. DENUNCIA: La presencia de CHÁVEZ en el Perú. Financiamiento de la campaña de Ollanta.

6. Audio de Ollanta que refleja acciones posibles de aplicarse, similares a las de Chávez.

1.B. Plan “demolición entorno”

Objetivo: Desprestigiar la imagen de los colaboradores más cercanos de Ollanta Humala: Salomón Lerner, Omar Chehade, Daniel Abugattás. También a Álvaro Vargas Llosa, que se ha convertido en un líder de opinión muy favorable a Ollanta Humala.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 10:14 AM
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1. Complete credible throughout. These guys have the hearts of born criminals.
Planting the lie Chavez has financed the Humala campaign, for instance. That's a hot one.

Alan Garcia still feels threatened by Humala for his competition in the last campaign, apparently, and is determined to destroy him, if he can. Garcia is lucky he hasn't be prosecuted for his vicious behavior in both his Presidencies. I hope justice does catch up with him sooner than later. Much sooner. He's had it coming for a long time.

So not only is the Fumimori monster gunning for Humala, he's also got the Garcia deformity out to get him, as well. What an ugly situation.

Was deeply surprised to see Humala is being supported by Vargas Llosa. I hadn't heard about this before seeing your post. Found this in a quick search in recent news articles:
Peruvian Nobel laureate Vargas Llosa lashes out at news group

The acclaimed novelist withdraws his columns from the leading daily El Comercio, accusing its owners of blatantly promoting Keiko Fujimori in the coming presidential runoff. He supports her rival, Ollanta Humala, a leftist.

June 02, 2011|By Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles TimesHe could be a character in one of his novels, a doomed figure swiping at the structures of power. Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa has waded into the stormy waters of his home country's election politics, again, and he seems to be at war with everyone.

In the latest skirmish, the acclaimed Peruvian novelist this week angrily withdrew his columns from Lima's leading daily newspaper, El Comercio. He did so with some rather scathing words. El Comercio, he said, has become a "propaganda machine" for Keiko Fujimori, a controversial candidate in Sunday's presidential runoff election.

And as such, the newspaper "violates daily the most elemental notions of journalistic objectivity and ethics," he said in a letter to El Comercio's executives. The paper's venerated late publisher, Luis Miro Quesada, would be rolling over in his grave to see "the abject levels" to which El Comercio had sunk, the novelist said.

Vargas Llosa, of course, supports the other candidate, the also controversial Ollanta Humala. The writer charges that Fujimori, daughter of jailed former President Alberto Fujimori, represents a serious threat to democracy.

I tried to recommend this article before my post, and saw some schmuck had unrec'd it already. You shouldn't take it personally, there ARE right-wingers infesting the place. Too much time on their pudgy, cheetos-stained hands.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-04-11 12:03 PM
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2. K&R! Here's a rough Google translation...
To evaluate and monitor the implementation of the Plan Shroud
intelligence operation that seeks to tarnish the image of
candidate Ollanta Humala
and his environment, the morning of the last
Saturday, May 14, President Alan Garcia held a
at the Government Palace with the head of the Directorate
National Intelligence (Dini),
retired PNP general Danilo
Guevara, Minister of Interior, Miguel Hidalgo, the chief of
the Dirandro, Carlos Morán PNP general and chief
Naval Intelligence, Admiral Pedro Garcia Llaque,
Credible sources reported.

Counterintelligence reports said it had access to LA
First, in that call the president and officers
evaluated the progress of intelligence and actions of the
Sheet. They also discussed the new audio to spread
near future and the impact of which were broadcast on
El Comercio and other channels.

SALE PLAN SHEET FROM PALACE - now against Alvaro Vargas Llosa, and Chehade Abugattás

"El Comercio", "Peru 21" and "E" will be the main window to continue discrediting those who collaborate with the candidate of Ghana Peru, Ollanta Humala. Currently in Phase II which is to discredit Nadine Heredia, linking with Chavez and Venezuela, and make a mess of Ollanta Humala, Solomon Lerner. Among these objectives are also Omar Chehade and Daniel Abugattás and lately have been targeted to Alvaro Vargas Llosa.

1. Demolition of the Plan of Government and the credibility of Ollanta Humala

2. Generate fear, fear, voters in the C sector, with the theme of the retirement funds of the AFP.

3. Recruitment Bayly.

4. Flirt with Andahuaylazo Ollanta.

1. A. Plan "Venezuelan connection. "

Goal: Discredit the image Nadine Heredia and establishing connection with Venezuela to finance the campaign.

1 ª. STAGE: Raising public awareness on the issue of Venezuela and the presence of Chavez in Peru


- Economy Venezuelan TV.

- Custody of children to the state (same campaign made ​​in Cuba and Venezuela).

- Freedom of expression, like Venezuela Ollanta.

- Change constitutional referendum.

2 ª. STAGE: Linking Nadine-Venezuela.

1. Nadine-Virly Audios Torres (presumably obtained by the Dirandro or BTR, the company pacifier)​​.

2. Audio Nadine with a third person about his relationship with the Embassy of Venezuela.

3. Video-Virly meeting Nadine Torres and other officials.

4. Video of Nadine Heredia visit to Venezuela.

5. Talks with Venezuelan consulting firm. COMPLAINT: The presence of Chavez in Peru. Campaign Finance Ollanta.

6. Ollanta Audio reflecting possible actions implemented, similar to those of Chávez.

1.B.Plan “demolición entorno”

Goal: Discredit the image of the closest collaborators of Ollanta Humala, Solomon Lerner, Omar Chehade, Daniel Abugattás. Also Álvaro Vargas Llosa, who has become a very favorable opinion leader Ollanta Humala.

--Google translation of the OP (my emphasis)


This particular bit of nasty propaganda...

"Custody of children to the state (same campaign made ​​in Cuba and Venezuela)."

...was promoted by fascist Church prelates in Venezuela, and had to do with the amendment guaranteeing the equal rights of women and gays, in the package of 69 amendments that the Chavez government put to a vote of the people in 2007, and which lost very narrowly (by 1%). Fascist Churchmen aren't bothered by priests raping little boys and girls but loathe the free sexuality of adults and women having equal pay, employment and status with men. They also opposed an amendment in that package which encouraged civics education and secular government. The Chavistas, in a sense, sacrificed the amendment to lift the term limit on the president (and important economic measures)--also included in the 69 amendment package--to equal rights for women and gays and civics education--indicating their high level of commitment to these important principles of equality and democracy. (Lifting the term limit on the president and on governors was passed by a big majority, later, as a stand-alone vote.)

Clearly, the fascist forces in the region including fascist cardinals and bishops in the region are colluding on "talking points" that have particular resonance in these largely Catholic countries, to defeat leftist (majorityist) politicians. The fascists in Venezuela placed the newspaper ad about the government "taking children from their mothers" illegally--in violation of campaign laws--and had to pull it, but it nevertheless indicates what the prelates were saying to their "flocks" from the pulpit, in newsletters, to parents of children in Catholic schools and in other forums, in their relentless campaign against the only government of Venezuela that has ever done anything for the poor majority, including astonishing reductions in poverty, illiteracy and ignorance. The monolithic, monarchical Catholic Church--whose tyrannical upper clergy are not only not elected, they are appointed by the Pope, often in defiance of local opinion--feed on poverty, illiteracy and ignorance, like purple-robed, lace-trimmed vultures. They also oppress and often silence and punish the lower clergy many of whom are advocates of the poor, like Jesus was.

One other thing that strikes me about this plan to defeat Humala is its use of "talking points" that have been established by the CIA, the U.S. State Department and their trumpets--the corpo-fascist media. The plan uses the SAME LIES about Chavez, the Chavez government and Venezuela that have been hammered into 'news' consumers' minds virtually from the beginning of the Chavez presidency. These include the damned lie that the Chavez government has harmed "free speech" and the rather mind-boggling assertion that putting constitutional issues to a vote of the people is somehow bad--undemocratic, "dictatorial." What's bad, undemocratic and truly dictatorial is the rich elite, the cardinals and U.S.-based transglobal corporations writing a country's laws in the back rooms from which the poor majority is excluded. What's bad, undemocratic and truly "dictatorial" is rule by a rich elite who are traitors to their own country, and who, for instance, sell off their country's resources for their own enrichment and massively neglect their own countrymen.

They have these ready-made "talking points" against the leftist democracy in Venezuela--which has a government that is truly "of, by and for the people"--and segue them over to Peru, and try to use them against Humala. Since most voters in Peru probably don't have much sense of what is REALLY happening in Venezuela--due to the rancid malfeasance of the corpo-fascist media monopoly, worldwide and in Peru--the "talking points" act like button-pushers, reaching deep into the unconscious and triggering irrational fears, based on templates that were actually forged, historically, by cruel fascist dictators, including Fujimora. HIS sterilization of tens of thousands of Indigenous and HIS mass murder of leftists is magically transformed into Chavez "taking children from their mothers," when, of course, Chavez has done no such thing and, in fact, has vastly improved the lives of children and their mothers.

My guess: This plan to defeat Humala was largely written in Washington DC and I hope that Peruvian voters realize this in time, and in addition understand that, a) U.S. intentions toward Peru are truly vile (--transglobal ripoff of their natural resources, looting of "the commons," and slave labor conditions for the majority, leading to social/economic collapse--the fate of every LatAm country that the U.S. has gotten its talons into); and b) Humala's identification with the regional left--not just Venezuela, but Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador and others, who have formed a strong alliance to throw off U.S. domination--is a good thing for Peru and represents the future of the region--its independence, and its economic development and prosperity. The U.S. and a U.S. tool like Keiko Fujimora will isolate and ruin Peru. The Garcia regime, as bad as it has been, is only the beginning.

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